Thousands in Niger celebrate France's withdrawal of troops


Thousands of people in Niger took to the streets to celebrate the French military withdrawal from the country, which ended on December 22, Report informs via France Presse.


The demonstration was attended by the prime ministers of Burkina Faso - Apollinaire Joachim Kyelem de Tambela and Mali - Choguel Kokalla Maïga. Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali are part of the newly formed Alliance of Sahel States.


The demonstration of thousands put an end to the sit-ins that began on September 2 in front of the air force base in the capital Niamey demanding the withdrawal of French troops.


According to the agency, the demonstration was accompanied by concerts and acrobatic performances, and anti-French slogans were heard. The flags of Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali and Russia were visible in the crowd.


In Niger, on July 26, a group of military members of the presidential guard mutinied and announced the removal of President Mohamed Bazoum. To govern the country, the National Council for the Defense of the Fatherland was formed, headed by the commander of the guard, Abdurahman Tchiani. Already on August 10, Tchiani signed a decree on the formation of a transitional government.
