AZERTAC employees visit Victory Park under construction in Baku


On the occasion of 27 September – the Remembrance Day, employees of the Azerbaijan State News Agency (AZERTAC) have visited the Victory Park, which is under construction in Baku.

AZERTAC’s staff placed flowers on the memorial stone at the park entrance, and viewed the stands featuring the Patriotic War Memorial Complex and the Victory Museum projects installed in the park.

Four years have passed since the beginning of the Patriotic War, which is inscribed in the military history of Azerbaijan in golden letters. Azerbaijan always appreciates the valor of its fighting sons and daughters, and honors the memory of all its martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the sake of the country’s territorial integrity and the freedom of Karabakh. The Victory Park, which is under construction on 8 November Avenue in Baku, is an embodiment of this respect.

In a decree signed on December 3, 2020, President Ilham Aliyev instructed the establishment of the Patriotic War Memorial Complex and the Victory Museum in Baku. The Victory Museum, accessible from two entry points within the park, will occupy an area of 9,200 square meters and will display the names of soldiers and officers who sacrificed their lives for Azerbaijan's territorial integrity on its side wall.

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