The experience of Azerbaijani mine-action specialists would be beneficial for Ukraine, says Ihor Klymenko


Ukraine feels the support of the Azerbaijani government. We remember Azerbaijan's assistance in addressing the aftermath of the explosion at the dam of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station,” Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Ihor Klymenko said as met with the Azerbaijani ambassador to the country Seymur Mardaliyev.


During the meeting, the two engaged in discussions covering issues related to the exchange of experience on humanitarian demining between Azerbaijan and Ukraine.


"Azerbaijan knows from its robust experience what the deadly mine danger is. Therefore, the experience of Azerbaijani mine-action specialists would be beneficial for Ukraine. In turn, the units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which have acquired extraordinary practical skills over the years, will share their knowledge with us.


I thank the government of Azerbaijan for the donated mechanical demining vehicles, that will be involved in clearing agricultural lands from the landmines in the occupied territories," said Ihor Klymenko.


The meeting also revolved around the fight against illegal arms trafficking, crime, exchange of experience in the area of reintegration of temporarily occupied territories and other issues.


"I do hope that our countries will continue cooperation in security issues and enhance mutual activity," the Ukrainian minister emphasized.


Emil Huseynli


Special correspondent

Social life