Azerbaijan Army holds seminar on combating corruption


Seminar on combating corruption was held within training-methodological sessions with the chiefs of branches and subdivisions for ideological work and moral-psychological support of types of troops, Army Corps, formations, units, and special educational institutions (chairs and cycles, respectively), assistant chiefs of staff of military units for ideological work and moral-psychological support and psychologists, the Ministry of Defense told AZERTAC.


The speakers at the seminar conducted at the Center for War Games of the Military Administration Institute of the National Defense University with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Defense and the Military Prosecutor's Office highlighted the combating corruption, the role of information in ensuring transparency and held educational talks on other topics.


Detailed information was provided on the measures implemented in the Ministry of Defense with regard to the implementation of the "National Action Plan for 2022-2026 on strengthening the fight against corruption" approved by the relevant Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


The event also discussed the work done in order to organize combating corruption and increase its efficiency, and the study of international experience in this field, and the requirements of the legislation were conveyed to the participants.

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