Baku Steel Company CJSC rewarded children of its employees who entered universities with high points


“Education is the future of the nation,” - these words of our national leader Heydar Aliyev were introduced as one of the main points in the corporate social responsibility projects of Baku Steel Company CJSC (hereinafter referred to as BSC).

To support the education of young people who are our future, BSC presented valuable gifts to the children of the employees admitted to higher educational institutions with high points.

Polad Hummatov, 1st Deputy General Director of the company, opened the event with an opening speech and congratulated the students and their parents wishing the younger generation success in their studies and careers. He said that educated people were vital

for the sustainable development of our country, and called upon young people, who have just earned the title of student, to choose specialties that are in demand in our time.

Speaking next Asif Abbasov, the Chairman of the Trade Union of the company, emphasized that it was no coincidence that the children of exemplary BSC employees also demonstrated exemplary knowledge, admitting to the most famous universities of Azerbaijan.

It should be noted that Emin Sadigov, the son of BSC sales department employee Elchin Sadigov, entered ADA University with 615 points, Ugur Mammadov, the son of the Head of the EAF and ladle furnace section Emil Mammadov, entered the Azerbaijan French

University with 614.20 points, Seljan Asadzade, the daughter of the advisor to the Chief of Staff Khagani Asadov, entered the Baku State University with 597 points, Mahammad Mahmudov, the son of the Chief Electrician of the shaped casting workshop Shahin

Mahmudov, entered the Azerbaijan State Economic University with 579.10 points. Huseyn Babayev, the son of the operator of water cooling systems of the company Valish Babayev, took the 3rd place on “History” discipline in the republican round of the 2022

Subject Olympiads and was admitted to the Baku State University without an exam by state order.

Social life