Azerbaijani diaspora organizations issue joint statement on Netherlands’ biased position


The Azerbaijani diaspora organizations issued joint statement condemning the biased position of the Netherlands against the country.

The statement reads: “We, Azerbaijanis residing in the Netherlands, express our deep disappointment and strongly condemn the wording used in the International Security Chapter of the Government Program of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, published on 13 September 2024. It is unacceptable that the document, when addressing recent conflicts, refers to the liberation of Azerbaijani territories as the takeover of Nagorno-Karabakh.

This interpretation reflects a biased stance towards Azerbaijan and misrepresents the post-conflict reality in the region. We wish to remind that the liberation of Azerbaijan's occupied territories is an act of restoring justice, not a "takeover". Karabakh has always been an integral part of Azerbaijan, and it was subjected to illegal Armenian occupation for nearly 30 years. The United Nations Security Council passed four resolutions (822, 853, 874, and 884) confirming Armenia's occupation of Azerbaijani territories and demanding the immediate withdrawal of Armenian forces. It is regrettable that the Netherlands, like other Western European nations, turns a blind eye to Armenia's unlawful actions.

Azerbaijan's actions to liberate its lands are fully in accordance with international law's norms and principles, and it is our sovereign right, which should not be misrepresented.

Furthermore, we categorically reject the continued use of the term "Nagorno-Karabakh" in reference to the Karabakh region. This is a clear indication of Armenia's ongoing territorial claims against Azerbaijan. We reiterate that there is no administrative or geographical unit called Nagorno-Karabakh in Azerbaijan. All countries and international organizations must adhere to the official geographic names approved by the relevant authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan, recognized by the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names, and valid within Azerbaijan's internationally recognized borders.

We also emphasize that such statements provide false hope to Armenian nationalists for revenge, thus fuelling tensions in the region. These actions do not contribute to peace but instead promote conflict.

We call on the government of the Netherlands to adopt an objective and balanced approach and strongly urge it to refrain from statements that could negatively impact relations with Azerbaijan.”
