Vlada Galan: So far everything has been very smooth


“So far everything has been very smooth, as expected. We hope the rest of the day will go smoothly. Once we receive back the report from our data center in New York we will have an idea of the first round of results. We do not have that back yet,” said Vlada Galan, member of the Oracle Advisory Group.

“We are very happy to be back here in Baku, Azerbaijan. This marks the 7th election we’ve done that includes one constitutional referendum. Our team has been working in Azerbaijan for over a decade, since 2013. İ have personally been here since 2016. Our team has been on the ground, setting up the exit-poll for over a month,” she said.

Galan then added; “Today we are reporting live in Baku with the first round of results that came in at 11 oclock in the morning. We have just concluded and received 21 thousand interviews from the field. We have two more recording periods, today. We have 875 polling stations. We have two interviewers per station, totaling 1750 interviewers out in the field.

Today we will have 63 thousand interviews before the end of the day. We are reporting the news back to New York.”
