Press release of Office of Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan Shahin Mustafayev


According to the instructions of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Commander-in-Chief, Ilham Aliyev, the Protocol of the 8th meeting of the State Commission on the Delimitation of the State Border between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia and the Commission on the Matters of Delimitation of the State Border and Border Security between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan was signed on April 19, 2024 in order to ensure the liberation of the villages of Baganys Ayrim, Ashagy Askipara, Kheyrimli and Gyzylhajily in the Gazakh district of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

To implement the mentioned Protocol, clarifications were made based on geodetic measurements along the border line coordinates. A Technical Protocol was drawn up reflecting the results of the joint fieldwork, which includes the Protocol-description of the corresponding border line.

The 9th meeting of the State Commissions between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia was held on the border on May 15, 2024, with the above-mentioned Technical Protocol agreed upon and the respective Protocol of the Commissions signed.

As a result of the delimitation work, a 12.7 km long border line was determined, ensuring the return of the territories of four villages in the Gazakh district of the Republic of Azerbaijan – Baganys Ayrim, Ashagy Askipara, Kheyrimli and Gyzylhajily (6.5 km²) – to Azerbaijan.

Today, the State Border Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan took under control the territories of the villages Baganys Ayrim, Ashagy Askipara, Kheyrimli and Gyzylhajily in the Gazakh district of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
