Armenia - CSTO: one step left from "de facto" to "de jure".


The tension in Yerevan-Moscow relations has reached its peak

"Armenia has frozen its participation in the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO)". Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said this in an interview with "France 24" TV channel during his visit to Paris. Yesterday, in his speech at the parliament of Hayastan, he specified his decision on the topic that occupied the agenda: "We have de-facto frozen our relations with KTMT. If the process continues like this, we will have to freeze relations de jure."

Speaking in front of the deputies, Pashinyan indicated that the agreement concluded with the mentioned organization did not bring any benefit to Armenia as the reason for his decision.

"We still haven't received an answer to our question"

"We addressed a question to the CSTO, but so far we have not received an answer", said the prime minister, saying that the lack of clarity in this matter creates threats to the national security and territorial integrity of the Republic of Armenia.

"Our question is very clear: what is the area of ​​responsibility of the CSTO in Armenia?" - Pashinyan stressed that this question arose after the events of May, November and September 2023.

Nikol further said that the questions about this issue arose in the context of sending the CSTO mission to Armenia, and as a result of this, it was necessary to reassess the situation as a result of known actions and investigations: "In fact, our CSTO partners refused to assess the situation. This led to the situation we are facing now."

Finally, the Prime Minister clarified his statement regarding the "freezing" of relations with the CSTO: "For a year now, Armenia has not had a permanent representative in the CSTO. For a long time, we have not participated at a high level in the events of the CSMT. This organization uses the principle of consensus to make decisions, but we do not participate in it for a very simple reason. Because why should we participate? There is no answer to our question."

The recent steps of Yerevan, which has already incurred the wrath of the Kremlin by placing the civilian mission of the European Union (EU) in its territory, have not been received unambiguously. In his speech before the parliamentarians, Pashinyan also touched on the activities of the EU: "The EU has clearly recognized the borders of Armenia. For example, with the Granada Quadrilateral Declaration of October 2023, as well as the Prague Declaration of October 6, 2022. The Russian Federation, which signed the tripartite Declaration, also recognized the existing borders of Armenia. This fact is also reflected in the text of the tripartite Declaration signed by the President of Russia on October 31, 2022. After that, at the CSTO summit held in Yerevan, we said that we should define the statement we signed as the territory of CSTO. But it didn't happen. I am talking about 2021-2022. But 2023 is already behind us and we have to clarify our position. In fact, KMTT is not a place of complaint. We are full-fledged members of this organization, we are not observers or guests to complain."

The Prime Minister of Armenia recalled that earlier, instead of fulfilling its obligations in the field of security for his country, the CSTO created security problems: "Despite the commitment of the CSTO to ensure the adequate position and security of Armenia, it is doing the exact opposite. At present, we have de facto frozen our relations with the Ministry of Education and Culture. If the process continues like this, we will have to freeze our relations de jure. What else can we do?"

"The people demand this from us"

Thus, it is clear that official Yerevan takes the line of severing ties with Russia. However, at this time, it is certain that Pashinyan, who prefers to move carefully and send messages to Moscow, will give up one of the chairs he was sitting on sooner or later. In a way, Irevan announces that this chair will be the chair offered by his northern neighbor. But again, double-headed statements, diplomatic moves to insure against the wrath of the Kremlin are on the agenda of the Armenian authorities. The speaker of the parliament Alen Simonyan's statement on the issue can be considered as such. In yesterday's briefing, Simonyan said: "The Armenian authorities are not changing the vector of foreign policy. Yerevan has not decided to withdraw from the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). We are discussing what we should do to reduce the threats that could threaten Armenia. There is no decision to leave the CSTO, but we do not rule it out. Our society also talks about it. We can even say that he makes such a demand."

Moscow responded to Pashinyan's and Simonyan's well-known statements about the CSTO at the level of Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Pankin. The diplomat said in an interview to RIA: "Russia calls Armenia to discuss the current situation in the CSTO instead of public attacks and criticism."

A. Pankin further noted that everyone is interested in the further improvement of the activity of the CSTO and its efficiency as a military-political union: "Of course, this will be helped by Armenia's soon return to normal and full-fledged work within the organization. But, unfortunately, our Armenian allies have really moved away from it so far."

The most correct way

Meanwhile, the leader of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, expressed his opinion on the issue. He noted that the official Minsk is completely calm about the statements of the Armenian side regarding membership in the CSTO. At the same time, the president of Belarus pointed out that there was no official notification from Yerevan regarding the cancellation of Armenia's membership in the CSTO. Besides, A. Lukashenko claimed that CSTO had no opportunity to intervene in military operations between Armenia and Azerbaijan: "It is necessary to understand that Azerbaijan is not a foreign country for all CSTO members, and Armenians are our friendly people. What could we do? I believe that these countries are now on the right path to solve the problem."

When the Belarusian leader says "the right way", he probably means a direct, unmediated peace dialogue between Baku and Yerevan. Regardless of which military organization Armenia leaves, which alliance it tries to join, it will have to talk face-to-face with Baku and come to an agreement with the conditions set forth.

Imran Badirkhanli
