Messages from Azerbaijan to the West - German neutrality and our call for justice


What did our head of state say in the meeting with German businessmen?

On February 28, the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev met with the delegation headed by Michael Harms, the chairman of the Eastern Committee of the German Economy. As is known, the delegation consisting of the leaders of the leading companies of the Federal Republic of Germany included Tobias Baumann, executive director of the German-Azerbaijan Chamber of Foreign Trade, Thomas Falk, executive director of "Falk" consulting company, Uve Fip, first vice president of "Uniper Global Commodities SE", " Among them were Heinrich Kerstgens, director of the project board of the Rhenus Group international transport company, Ulf Heitmüller, the chairman of the board of the VNG Joint Stock Company, and Philip Sveens, the executive director of the HHLA International company. In fact, the arrival of leading German business institutions and businessmen to our country creates a contrast. The opinion of the leader of our country confirms the contrast. Let's talk about it first.

Yes, President Ilham Aliyev, drawing attention to the decision to deprive the Azerbaijani delegation of voting rights in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, said that the initiator of the issue was Frank Schwabe, a member of the German Parliament. He is a representative of Schwaben's party, Chancellor Olaf Scholtz. The PACE justifies its decision in the context of neglecting human rights and freedoms. In general, the institution forms such an opinion that Azerbaijan is not a place to set foot on. So, what are the business people of the main European country doing in our country? President Ilham Aliyev also spoke about it indirectly. But not only that.

The head of our state gave a description of the origin of the traditional pressure attempts against Azerbaijan. In the current issue, he expressed both the current negative trends and made an excursion into the past. President Ilham Aliyev reveals the reality of the existence of a single cause-and-effect relationship in terms of unpleasantness in both periods. The reason is pro-Armenianism, and the result is the attitudes that manifest themselves due to that pro-Armenianism. The leader of our country paints a complete picture of the biased nature of those approaches. This description is by no means a desire to justify and invite foreign businessmen to our country. That is, we will live without them. Mr. Ilham Aliyev simply declares the correctness of the decision of these persons who visited Azerbaijan and creates confidence. Of course, it conveys principled messages as well.

Of course, the first message is to Germany itself, and its content is approximately as follows: relations with Azerbaijan should be based on sincerity. Bias and double standards must be set aside for sincerity. And so is pro-Armenianism, which manifests itself in one way or another. After all, as President Ilham Aliyev emphasized, "Germany shows neutrality in the peace process unlike its neighbor France, which, as they say, pours gasoline on the fire and supplies Armenia with lethal weapons."

Therefore, the current neutrality of Germany should not be lost in the shadow of Swabian adventurism. It is not just about the prejudice of MP F. Shvabe and his ilk, which has a global impact beyond the individual. Let's take into account that the German media, following the path of their French colleagues, is busy creating antipathy towards Azerbaijan. Let's focus on one point from this point of view.

In recent days, the country's ARD TV channel has been showing more anti-Azerbaijani "fantasy". The TV channel made a film about our republic called "On the edge of the cliff". Imagine, in a film tuned to extremely poor notes, it is told about the bribery of European parliamentarians of our country. Of course, such a claim is complete nonsense. However, the point is that the presentation of the nonsense takes place in the German Parliament. On the other hand, well, let's say that Azerbaijan is able to get everything with bribes, but why can't people who represent the European segment of the collective West, who talk about democratic values ​​and consider themselves progressive, control themselves? Isn't it slander and fraud? This can only be regretted.

Yes, President Ilham Aliyev noted that in the German press, Azerbaijan is presented as a despotic country where freedoms are not guaranteed, where people are imprisoned for their opinions, and where dictatorship rules. "This is a complete lie and I feel sorry for it," said the head of our state, making sure that such negative situations cannot hinder the work carried out by our country and emphasizing: "We are working for the well-being of our people, our country, whether it is the restoration of territorial integrity or our economic agenda. we are doing things".

What the President of Azerbaijan stated in the meeting with German businessmen is also the declaration of the reliability and stability of the investment environment in our country at the highest level. Of course, the current aspects indicate the strength and power of our republic. Strength and power is a product of self-confidence. Self-confidence comes from a sense of justice. Yes, it is a fair approach that Azerbaijan demands from the world. The approach that follows the policy of double standards.

We emphasized above that the policy of double standards is a manifestation of pro-Armenianism. At present, this strange manifestation is manifested only in the regulation of Azerbaijan-Armenia relations. As a result, we see that the attempts to present our country as the occupier, which demands its rights, have become a kind of trend. It seems that our country is in favor of war, not peace. President Ilham Aliyev says that Azerbaijan is committed to the peace process: "It was we who took the initiative of peace negotiations after the end of the Second Karabakh war. In fact, we developed five basic principles of a peaceful settlement and presented a draft of the text of the peace agreement. So, if we don't want peace, why have we made all this?!”

Yes, Azerbaijan shows its commitment to the peace process as a strong and powerful, as well as a rightful party. Of course, at the same time, as a party that has ensured its rightful territorial integrity and sovereignty with its strength and power. However, our country creates a chance for the weak, that is, Armenia.

The head of our state highlights the double standards policy segment of the injustices we have been facing for nearly thirty years, perfectly explains the logical legality of our country's acquisition of its rights by force, and draws attention to the fact that our current peace initiative is a blessing for Armenia. At the same time, he emphasizes the need for the world community to agree with this kind of setting of the issue. So, we should not face any charges for restoring our territorial integrity and sovereignty. Also, we should not face each other because Mr. Ilham Aliyev very rightly says "the norms of international law are on our side".


But it seems that the principles of international law do not matter for those who implement the policy of double standards. At present, it is possible to clearly see the situation when paying attention to the regulation of Azerbaijan-Armenia relations. In fact, such an approach cannot be called "regulation". There is a name for this - strict pro-Armenianism. The bitter truth is obvious - pro-Armenianism is trying to restore our territorial integrity and sovereignty. Those who follow this path are trying to preserve the "essence" of Armenian adventurism, so that the Victory we won with the 44-day war and the success we achieved with local anti-terrorist measures should not be lost. The worst thing is that such a tendency shows itself in disregarding the principles of international law.

Yes, France is currently the main participant in the policy of double standards against Azerbaijan. France has turned the European Union into a tool for its pro-Armenian logic. The emerging picture is as follows: the collective West, represented by France and the European Union, is conducting anti-Azerbaijani activities. France is fully engaged in this activity, and as far as the EU is concerned, the leader of our country stated in an interview to local television channels on January 10, 2024 that there is no unified position in the organization regarding opposition to our country. That is, the Paris organization, so to speak, cannot fully tame. But there are tamed ones. One of them, or rather the biggest one, is the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Policy and Security Affairs, Josep Borrell. Borrell is busy "demonizing" Azerbaijan with all his might. The main link in the current occupation is to portray our country as an aggressor. This is the logic of the "veiled threat" emphasized by the head of our state. Because, Borrell says that if Azerbaijan attacks Armenia, he will see bitter consequences, and in his world, there is a threat. President Ilham Aliyev says: "First of all, where did Borrell get this information that Azerbaijan is planning to attack Armenia?" We have no such plans. They are Mr. Macron's insinuations. "All this is part of France's anti-Azerbaijani policy, which is based on the "demonization" of our country, allegedly due to Azerbaijan's preparations for an attack on Armenia."


It is clear that the collective West, led by France, insists on inciting Armenia to a new war against Azerbaijan, turning the South Caucasus into the next front of the anti-Russian struggle platform. Armenia is a tool and is being armed for the realization of the stated intention.

The Western world is trying to make Armenia's attack on Azerbaijan legal in international public opinion as a self-defense campaign. The provocation committed on the conditional border on February 13 was also calculated for this. It should be noted that the same Borrell and the French President Emmanuel Macron expressed their attitude to the incident as if Azerbaijan wanted to implement the invasion plans by responding to the Armenian provocation. So, we are once again convinced that the plans of some international circles to present Azerbaijan as an aggressor remain relevant. Therefore, based on the dreams of Borrell and Macron, it is possible to observe the future manifestations of their desire to show our country in a negative way. From September 2023 to February 2024, the people who are to blame for the disappearance of the calm that prevailed on the conventional border and the violation of the ceasefire are the people we have named and the collective West they represent. Of course, the West is making a serious mistake by showing such a half-hearted position. The mistake of the West is systemic. In his meeting with German businessmen, President Ilham Aliyev spoke about the history of systemic mistakes, so to speak. The head of our state also reminded that the big mistake in relation to Azerbaijan was the format of the OSCE Minsk Group, which has already passed.

Look at the contradiction that this group has been trying to tell us for nearly thirty years that we are taking the wrong position, allegedly by not wanting to compromise. The members of that "troika", such as the USA and France, are still of the same opinion. In any case, their behavior gives us reason to think so. As for Russia. We believe that the opinion expressed by President Ilham Aliyev in the current issue is extremely important: "I think that Russia understands well what is happening now and accepts the new realities."

This short, but important saying of the leader of our country is also a message to the pro-Armenian forces in Russia. After all, they were the ones who fueled Armenian adventurism from time to time. At present, that adventurism has started to have such a deviant nature that Russia itself is a target. Yes, today Armenia is in the anti-Russian movement of the West. That Armenia that has looked at Moscow's hand over the years. That is, Armenian depravity manifests itself in ingratitude at the same time.

Therefore, what is currently happening in the political water area of ​​the South Caucasus should be a lesson for Russia. In the Kremlin, they should know that it is unacceptable to behave in an imperial manner in relation to Azerbaijan. It is necessary to establish healthy relations with our country that are equal, friendly and will be an example for generations. However, Mr. Ilham Aliyev considers it important that it be accepted by the United States and France. As the head of our state stated, the countries in question should work with Azerbaijan, which has the leading country in the South Caucasus, economy, army, and wide international relations: "Otherwise, the situation will not be as they plan."


Now, let's once again talk about the policy of double standards that President Ilham Aliyev relied on when receiving German business representatives. The pro-Armenian manifestation of the current policy is so hypocritical that it manifests itself in every sense. It is not in vain that the head of our country touches on the Russia-Ukraine war from this point of view. The fact is that the world community recognizes Ukraine as a legitimate party trying to restore its territorial integrity and sovereignty. Of course, in our article, we are far from debating which of them is right and which is wrong in the bloody war between two brotherly nations. There are points where Russia itself knows the truth. Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty accepted by international law.

We leave aside talking about what else Moscow recognizes and what issues it considers legal rights for itself. The main point we would like to draw attention to is generally related to the approach of the outside world to the issue of territorial integrity and sovereignty. The approach has an interpretation motive with international law, which sets an extremely scary precedent for the world as a whole. "Armenia, which occupied our lands, ignored the known resolutions of the UN Security Council, norms of international law, including humanitarian norms. They committed the Khojaly genocide, the anniversary of which we celebrated two days ago. Now, after restoring our sovereignty and territorial integrity and destroying the nest of separatism in Karabakh, we have been attacked.

We are blamed by Macron, Borrell and other people like them," said President Ilham Aliyev, saying that Ukraine wants to restore its territorial integrity, that Germany and others support the struggle waged by official Kiev by arming the country, and that Azerbaijan's territorial integrity is disregarded, and the situation in the South Caucasus is of importance to Ukraine. states that he is not lagging behind his issue. Also, in the background of emphasizing that there are attempts to establish dividing lines in our region, that Georgia and Armenia are very closely accepted by the European institutions, while Azerbaijan is demonized, there is an extremely delicate point that Mr. President expertly touched upon. The leader of our country exaggerates the Islamic religious factor. What does it mean?

The fact is that the leader of Azerbaijan knows better than anyone that negative stereotypes about our religion dominate the world. He even talked about Islamophobia in various speeches and criticized the current negative trend. Here, let us remember how Azerbaijan, which has a wide level of cooperation with the Western world and is located in an important strategic geography like the South Caucasus, applies an Islamic religious model. Let's also take into account that this model is located in a country bordering a country that the West despises like Iran. This model is also secular, and at the same time, as a result of that secularism, Azerbaijan is on a platform of close cooperation with the international community. I wonder if the Western world, which currently prefers Armenia and Georgia, is aware of the moral, political and global role played by our country? Do you know that the population and natural resources of Muslim Azerbaijan are much larger than the two countries of the South Caucasus that we have mentioned?

The threat logic of seventy million Iran to the West is always on the agenda. So what does that West intend to do with our country? Continue the policy of demonization? Or, is the day-by-day energy import from Azerbaijan blinding someone in Europe, they cannot see the reality?

It is not for nothing that the President of Azerbaijan emphasizes that great works related to economic reforms are being carried out in our country, and that there are good opportunities for cooperation not only in the traditional energy sector, but also in other areas. Kind of brings to mind a profitable perspective, telling everyone to "be smart!" gives the message. Therefore, it is necessary to take this into account, to value the sincerity of our country rather than acting on double standards.

In the end, there is one thing that President Ilham Aliyev is focusing on. The head of our state highly appreciated the commitment of the German business circles to the peace processes in the South Caucasus of Azerbaijan and emphasized that this can lay the foundation for positive development in the entire region. That is, Germany should think about its own economic interests, refrain from participating in the traditional anti-Azerbaijani games of the collective West, take an objective position, and most importantly, contribute to the formation and strengthening of the just foundations of the peace environment in the South Caucasus. Whether this will actually happen, only time will tell. In any case, if the businessmen of the main European countries have come to Baku, there is a reason to be optimistic about the future.




