The epoch of Ilham Aliyev in the history of Azerbaijan


The period of power of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, which began in 2003, was an epochal event in the history of Azerbaijan. Its basis is the phenomenal historical personality of Ilham Aliyev, the philosophy of statehood, and the strategy and tactics applied to achieve the set goals and objectives.

Ilham Aliyev managed to create a new, different image of the head of state compared to not only prominent statesmen who have left a deep mark in the history of Azerbaijan, but also leaders of a number of states who have written their names in the history of the world. As soon as each of the famous statesmen in the world came to power, they concentrated all the country's resources, tried to win in the shortest time, thereby making their name eternal. As a result, "lightning-fast" war plans emerged, most of which brought greater disasters to the state than victory.

The leader of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, demonstrated a unique, completely original state mentality, and applied extremely difficult, but strategically more optimal tactics for victory. After Armenia's occupation of Azerbaijani lands, the most important task of the head of state was to restore its territorial integrity. Ilham Aliyev chose not the "lightning-fast" approach, which has many examples in history, but a long-term preparation tactic, and ensured the deserved victory of the state.

The head of state Ilham Aliyev secured victory in 5 consecutive presidential elections (2003, 2008, 2013, 2018, 2024) and assumed the responsibility of the struggle with the occupying Armenia, especially tense and difficult peace negotiations. While Ilham Aliyev has been the only leader of Azerbaijan who has received national support since 2003, 3 heads of state and government have changed in Armenia. The leader of Azerbaijan stood alone against the 3 leaders of Armenia who were renewed one after the other and managed to defeat them.

One of the most important aspects characterizing Ilham Aliyev, the worthy follower of the great leader Heydar Aliyev, is the dynamic character of his domestic and foreign policy. This can be seen in the dynamics of priorities clearly expressed in Ilham Aliyev's experience of statehood. In this regard, Ilham Aliyev has gone down in history as the head of state who knows what to do and when, and keeps his word.

In recent times, the expression of historical events and processes by numbers has become widespread. When it comes to expressing the era of President Ilham Aliyev in numbers, such a model can be applied: 17+3+... This means that as a result of the wise state policy of President Ilham Aliyev, the preparation that resulted in the capitulation of Armenia was completed within 17 years (2003-2020), 3 During the year (2020-2023), the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan was ensured and the presidency was started in a new format.

With the elections of February 7, 2024, the beginning of a new era in the history of Azerbaijan was ensured. Considering this new period, it is possible to say that the next phase of President Ilham Aliyev's rule will be accompanied by greater successes and will take its place in the general combination as new years.

I. Ilham Aliyev era: periodization

It can be considered more effective from a scientific point of view to periodize the period of power of President Ilham Aliyev, which started in 2003, not only chronologically or by problem, but by a combination of both: chronological-problem approach.

From a chronological point of view, the head of state singles out the first 17 years of his reign as a special period. During his visit to Agdam region on November 23, 2020, he said: "When I addressed the people over the past 17 years, I have repeatedly said that we must be stronger, we must build a more powerful army... Over the past 17 years, we have created a legal basis for resolving the conflict we created... During these 17 years, I constantly said that we should give a strong boost to the economic sector, ensure our economic independence, and we did. Today, we are not economically dependent on anyone." During his visit to Agdam again on May 28, 2021, the head of state noted that "I want to go back to what I said once again, I had many meetings with the internally displaced persons during these 17 years - from 2003 to 2020, and I always told them I said that we will return to the lands, you will return to the lands. However, I could see that the hopes in their eyes are diminishing in recent years. I could see it and it was natural. Because almost 30 years have passed. But I was always sure it would. I just couldn't tell. I simply could not tell when it would happen or how it would happen. But I knew it would happen."

Later periods are logically self-determining. If we take them as a basis, as a whole, the following chronological periods can be distinguished:

- 2003-2020 years - creation of political, socio-economic and military potential for the liberation of Azerbaijani lands occupied by Armenia;

- 2020 (September 27-November 10) - 44-day Patriotic War;

- 2020 (November 10-December 10) - from the November 10 declaration to the Victory Parade;

- 2020 (December 10, 2020 - September 19, 2023) - From the Victory Parade to the local anti-terrorist operation;

- 2023 (September 19-20-November 8) - local anti-terrorist operation, restoration of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, parade in Khankendi;

- Announcement of extraordinary presidential elections (Victory elections) on December 7, 2023, victory of Ilham Aliyev, beginning of a new stage in the history of Azerbaijan.

Along with this chronological approach, two ongoing events can be specifically distinguished in each of the presented periods:

First, the President's visits to territories freed from occupation. These visits begin with the President's visit to the liberated Fuzuli and Jabrayil regions on November 16, 2020, and continue chronologically.

Second, the Great Return movement. The Great Return also begins in July 2021 with the return of the population to the village of Agali in Zangila and continues chronologically.

II. Azerbaijan in 2003-2020: domestic and foreign policy

1. Ilham Aliyev's victories in the presidential elections

President Ilham Aliyev expressed the best traditions of the national leader Heydar Aliyev's school of statehood in his personality. He achieved the level of leadership in the strategic areas of independent Azerbaijan through persecutions and heavy political struggles together with Heydar Aliyev. In 1994-1996, Ilham Aliyev was the vice-president for foreign economic relations at the State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan, which played an important role in the implementation of Heydar Aliyev's oil strategy, and then the first vice-president. In 1995, he was elected a deputy to the Milli Majlis. Ilham Aliyev heads the Azerbaijan National Olympic Committee since July 1997.

The active political position of the new-type statesman Ilham Aliyev ensured that he was elected the deputy chairman at the first congress of the New Azerbaijan Party (YAP) (1999), and the first deputy at the second congress (2001). Ilham Aliyev actively participated in the YAP election campaign in the parliamentary elections of 2000 and made a significant contribution to its success. He was appointed the head of the permanent delegation of the Milli Majlis to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). In January 2003, he was elected PACE deputy chairman and bureau member.

On August 2, 2003, President Heydar Aliyev appealed to the Milli Majlis about the appointment of Ilham Aliyev as Prime Minister. Ilham Aliyev was appointed Prime Minister on August 4. After some time, preparations for the new presidential elections in Azerbaijan began.

In the presidential elections of 2003, the great leader Heydar Aliyev was nominated by YAP, but on October 1, 2003, he withdrew his candidacy in favor of Ilham Aliyev. On this occasion, in his address to the people of Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev noted that "Ilham Aliyev is a highly intelligent, pragmatic thinker, well versed in modern world politics and economy, energetic and enterprising personality. I assure you that both Ilham Aliyev and the New Azerbaijan Party will continue to unite the most worthy children of our people around them and do a lot for the development of the state of Azerbaijan and the prosperity of our people. I believe that with your help and support, Ilham Aliyev will be able to finish the fateful issues, plans and works that I could not bring to the end. I believe in him as much as myself and have high hopes for his future."

Ilham Aliyev conducted an extensive election campaign during the presidential elections. Ilham Aliyev held meetings with voters in Baku and all regions of Azerbaijan, explained the election platform in detail, overturned the unrealistic and populist promises of his political opponents, and succeeded in uniting the people with his simple and profound speeches.

Ilham Aliyev, who conducted the presidential elections on October 15, 2003 with great success, collected the votes of 76.8 percent of the voters and managed to win a confident victory in these elections. The Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan approved the protocol on the presidential elections on October 20. The Constitutional Court confirmed the results of the presidential elections on October 28 and the election of Ilham Aliyev was officially announced.

On October 31, Ilham Aliyev was released from the post of Prime Minister by the decree of Heydar Aliyev, and on the same day, the swearing-in ceremony of the new president, Ilham Heydar oglu Aliyev, was held. Ilham Aliyev made a typical speech at the swearing-in ceremony. He officially announced that he will continue the course of Heydar Aliyev and conveyed the main priorities of his presidency to the people.

The great leader died on December 12, 2003, shortly after Ilham Aliyev assumed the presidency. As a sign of great respect for the people of Azerbaijan and the personality of Heydar Aliyev, numerous delegations from different countries who participated in the funeral ceremony sent Heydar Aliyev to his last place with deep sadness on December 15. Despite the shocks caused by this loss in the first period of his presidency, Ilham Aliyev survived this test as an outstanding statesman and became the only political leader of Azerbaijan.

This was also confirmed by the unequivocal voting of the Azerbaijani people for Ilham Aliyev in the subsequent presidential elections. Ilham Aliyev won again in the second presidential elections held on October 15, 2008, having collected 88.73 percent of the votes. In his speech at the swearing-in ceremony held on October 24, he comprehensively explained the reasons for the victory and the tasks ahead.

The people of Azerbaijan voted 84.54 percent for Ilham Aliyev in the third presidential election held on October 10, 2013, and wanted to see him as their leader again. Ilham Aliyev appreciated this trust at the swearing-in ceremony held on October 19, and defined the new tasks ahead.

Ilham Aliyev's fourth presidential election was particularly significant. After the constitutional reform, the term of the presidency was extended to seven years. In the fourth presidential election held on April 11, 2018, voters voted for Ilham Aliyev with 86.02 percent and elected him as president for seven years this time. At the swearing-in ceremony held on April 18, Ilham Aliyev defined his new goals.

Azerbaijan won a historic victory in the Second Karabakh War (September 27-November 10, 2020) and managed to restore its sovereign rights over all its lands with local anti-terrorist operations on September 19-20, 2023. Despite this, Ilham Aliyev made another historic decision, announcing a new presidential election on February 7, 2024, long before the end of his presidential term.

2. Dynamics of priorities

The most important feature that characterizes President Ilham Aliyev as an outstanding statesman is that he can sense the main development trends of the world and the country with high political sensitivity, take appropriate decisions and implement them successfully. That is why Ilham Aliyev has gained a special image as the head of state who knows what to do and when.

Therefore, the dynamics and realization of the priorities that form the basis of its domestic and foreign policy are of special importance. During the first period of Ilham Aliyev's rule, it is possible to prioritize them.

Further development of state building and its modernization attract attention as the first such priority. According to the constitutional referendums, the election of the same person as president more than twice (March 18, 2009), the extension of the presidential term from 5 years to 7 years, and the establishment of the positions of the first vice president and vice president (September 28, 2016) were approved by the people. . With this, the practice of ensuring succession in power and exercising state power in an unconstitutional way has been put to an end.

Azerbaijan Army can be considered the masterpiece of Ilham Aliyev's state building. According to the head of state's concept of army building, it was not just an institution consisting of soldiers and officers armed with modern weapons, but should be the embodiment of Azerbaijan's socio-economic, political-cultural and military power. The Azerbaijani army had to be able to ensure the territorial integrity of the state at any cost. Ilham Aliyev was able to achieve this with his military genius.

Foreign policy can be singled out as one of the most important priorities. This is explained by the fact that the economy, social life, etc. After the priorities are determined, certain preparatory works are carried out in the direction of their implementation.

In foreign policy, it is not possible to take a break, it is necessary to solve the main issues in parallel. Another important issue is that, while it is possible to work with a certain team in other areas, foreign policy is prepared and implemented directly by the President. President Ilham Aliyev successfully resolved all issues facing Azerbaijan's foreign policy in the period before the Second Karabakh War.

He was able to raise relations with the Russian Federation and the United States to a new level. Azerbaijan's election as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for 2012-2013 on October 24, 2011 became one of the main indicators of its global influence. As a result of Ilham Aliyev's successful foreign policy, in October 2019, Azerbaijan accepted the chairmanship of the Non-Aligned Movement, the second largest organization after the UN, which was accepted as a member in May 2011. This movement played a major role in providing international diplomatic support against Azerbaijan during the Second Karabakh War.

Among the priorities of the head of the country Ilham Aliyev, the strengthening of the economy of the state has always occupied one of the main places. The transition to a free market economy has been completed, and new, modern economic relations have been formed. Along with the development of the traditional fuel-energy system, diversification of the economy has been in focus. The non-oil sector has developed rapidly. State programs (2004-2008, 2009-2013, 2014-2018, 2019-2023) on the socio-economic development of Azerbaijan's regions have been adopted.

The wise and visionary head of state Ilham Aliyev laid the foundation of a new direction in the history of Azerbaijan - the policy of multiculturalism, together with the traditional priorities of health, tourism, science, youth, ecology, culture, humanitarian and sports policies. As a result of this policy, the tradition of multiculturalism from deep layers of history has become a way of life in Azerbaijan.

With the support of the state of Azerbaijan, the holding of World Intercultural Dialogue forums in Baku has become systematic. On May 15, 2014, the Baku International Multiculturalism Center was established in Azerbaijan, and 2016 was declared the "Year of Multiculturalism".

(to be continued)

Karim Shukurov,
General director of ANAS Institute of History, professor

