Russia or Ukraine?!


These two close nations are deepening enmity with a sad war

In just 9 days, the 2nd anniversary of the start of the Russia-Ukraine war will be completed. Every day, every moment of this bloody war causes the death of innocent people. Rivals seem to be thirsty for each other's blood.

The world community is not making serious efforts to stop the merciless war between the two neighboring Slavic states. Moreover, so far neither Moscow nor Kiev have given any positive indication that they are ready to start peace talks. So, this sad war can continue for a long time.

First, we need to inform the reader about the losses that the competitors are facing, which cannot be hidden. The war is actually going on in 2 eastern and 3 southern regions of Ukraine. For almost two years, the entire territory of the country has been under the air strikes of the Russian aviation.

The economy of Ukraine, which was once considered a developed industrial and agricultural country, suffered a serious blow. The war is also depleting the human resources of this country. Since the beginning of the conflict, several million people have left the territory of the country. Many of them took refuge in neighboring Poland, Romania, Bulgaria and other countries. It is doubtful that many of these families returned even after the war ended.

Russia has nothing to gain from the war either. During the battles called "special military operation" by our northern neighbor, Donbas was fully controlled, but the infrastructure of the region and other regions was practically destroyed. Hundreds of billions of dollars may be required to restore these areas in the future. On the other hand, it is difficult to predict who will win at the front.

The economic sanctions imposed by Western countries against Russia have limited its export opportunities. Although Russia managed to put its heavy industry on military rails, the scars of the war will continue to show themselves for many years. The current government sometimes has to resort to harsh measures to mobilize the population for war.

Along with the United States, Russia has the largest nuclear arsenal in the world. And the West provides sufficient support to Kiev, and the volume of this support is increasing, not decreasing. Ukraine's self-produced drones can reach not only neighboring Belgorod, but even Moscow.

The most terrible thing is that between the two ethnically related states and their peoples, an enmity has arisen that will last for generations. The war on the information front also strengthens hatred and enmity in these nations. It is not clear when this senseless and sad war will end.

Many experts claim that there are private media organizations in Ukraine that serve the interests of the competitor, especially a large number of Internet TV stations. These institutions promote a mood of surrender in the population. For some reason, the Ukrainian authorities behave "moderately" towards them.

As the war drags on, the question arises: Could the start of the Russian-Ukrainian war be prevented? At least steps should have been taken to prevent this severe armed conflict from becoming so acute. However, history does not recognize conditional time. The reality is that the war has started, and both nations are really suffering from it.

The war mostly serves the interests of the West. In this way, the US is trying to prevent its close ally, the member states of the European Union (EU), from getting closer to Russia and China. Obstacles have arisen on the way to the access of Chinese products to the European markets.

If Russia's vast natural resources fall into China's hands, it may be impossible to stop the Yellow Dragon's development. They understand this well across the ocean. Russia's "eternal friendship" with China is impossible. These are separate civilizations.

Many analysts note that many states of Eastern Europe, as well as Poland, Hungary, Romania, and even Bulgaria, have certain territorial claims to Ukraine. For now, they don't say it openly. However, if the situation on the front worsens sharply, Ukraine may receive such blows from its current "close friends".

Atamoglan Mammadli,
doctor of historical sciences, political commentator

- The Russian-Ukrainian war is a part of the open and secret war between the Anglo-Saxons and the Chinese to build a new world order. The White House wants to push China out of the European and Russian markets, thereby weakening it economically. In fact, it is a power struggle between the West and Russia.

Ukraine, as a whole, continues to resist the "special military operation" launched by Russia on February 24, 2020 and which continues today. This is the biggest and sharpest armed confrontation of "heavyweight fighters" since the end of the Second World War.

From the first days and weeks of military operations in Ukraine, it became clear that it will not be possible to surrender Ukraine in a short time. Thus, the war may continue for several more years.

It is known that the next presidential elections will be held in Russia in March of this year. On the eve of the elections, there is no doubt that the current government will try to achieve success on the front at any cost, even if it is small. This means that the armed conflict between the parties will intensify.

