"Weimar triangle" attempt to strengthen Europe


Poland has decided to intensify the work of the "Weimar triangle" and take responsibility for the future and security of Europe together with France and Germany. Prime Minister Donald Tusk went to Paris and Berlin for talks with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholtz. In parallel, the foreign ministers of the three countries held a separate meeting in Paris. The parties are convinced that strengthening cooperation is the only way to protect the European Union.

The "Weimar Triangle" is a tripartite regional group for the development of cooperation between Poland, Germany and France. The group exists mainly in the form of summit meetings between the leaders and foreign ministers of the three countries. The last summit of the leaders of the "Weimar Triangle" countries took place on February 8, 2022 in Berlin. Previous meetings were held in Warsaw (2011), Poznan (1998), Nancy (1999, 2005) and Hambach (2001). Foreign ministerial summits have become more regular, at least until 2016. Now it has been decided to intensify this format again. Especially in the context of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and against the background of the possibility of former President Donald Trump coming to power in the United States, discussions are being held on the need to take more responsibility for its own security in Europe. They think about making collective efforts to solve the existing problems in the "old continent". Despite unfavorable global conditions, after the change of power in Poland at the end of 2023, Paris, Berlin and Warsaw really have a chance to converge their positions and strengthen cooperation. Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk and Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski went to Western Europe to establish a dialogue.

In order to reactivate the "Weimar triangle" format, on February 12, the foreign ministers of all three countries, Radoslav Sikorski, Annalena Berbok and Stephane Sejourne, held a meeting in La Selce-Saint-Cloud, near Paris. According to reports, the ministers paid special attention to supporting Ukraine, and also discussed defense cooperation and the NATO jubilee summit to be held in Washington on July 9-11. In general, North Atlantic issues have become a particularly relevant topic against the background of the upcoming presidential elections in the United States and the increasing probability of Donald Trump winning the elections. As the election campaign intensifies, former President Donald Trump is making scandalous statements. He said in his speech that the United States will not defend European countries if they do not increase their defense spending. Therefore, Europeans have already started calculating the steps they will take if the Republican candidate wins.

According to political commentators, in fact, the "Weimar triangle" has been active for the past period. During the previous Polish government, for example, in February 2022, shortly before the entry of Russian troops into Ukraine, meetings were held in a similar format. However, during the rule of the "Law and Justice" party, since Warsaw's relations with the European Union and Western Europe were tense, meetings in this format were not held between the three countries.

İndi Varşava öz tərəfdaşlarına vəziyyətin dəyişdiyini və Polşanın Qərb ilə münasibətlərini daha da yaxşılaşdır­mağa hazır olduğunu bildirir. Maraqlı­dır ki, əvvəlki hakimiyyət dövründə Pol­şa daha çox ABŞ-a və onun silahına arxalanmağa üstünlük verirdi. Okeanın o tayından son zamanlar Avropanın müdafiə olunması ilə bağlı gələn nara­hatedici bəyanatlar Varşavanı Paris və Berlin ilə birlikdə hərəkət etməyə vadar edir. 

Bununla belə, hər üç ölkə rəhbər­liyi ABŞ və NATO barədə ehtiyatlı davranırlar. Parisdə mətbuat konfran­sında Polşanın baş naziri və Fransa prezidenti əmin ediblər ki, “Aİ, NATO və transatlantik əməkdaşlığa alterna­tiv yoxdur”: “Avropa təhlükəsiz qitəyə çevrilməlidir və bu o deməkdir ki, Aİ, Fransa və Polşa güclü olmalı və öz sərhədlərini müdafiə etməyə hazır ol­malı, həmçinin müttəfiqlərini və dostla­rını qorumalı və dəstəkləməlidir”. Xarici işlər nazirlərinin görüşündə qəbul edil­miş yekun bəyanatda da qeyd olunur ki, məqsəd Avropa İttifaqını (Aİ) daha birləşmiş, daha güclü və təhlükəsizlik və müdafiə birliyi istiqamətində aktual təhlükəsizlik çağırışlarına daha yax­şı cavab verə bilmək və avropalıların gözləntilərini qarşılamaqdır. Bəyanat­da xüsusilə qeyd olunur ki, tərəflər vahid və güclü Şimali Atlantika Alyansı Təşkilatına (NATO) sadiqdirlər.

