Mexican media call elections held in Azerbaijan exemplary


An article titled “Azerbaijan: A public lesson in democratic practices” was published on the elections, authored by the editor-in-chief of the well-known English-language newspaper Pulse News Mexico, Therese Margolis, who visited Azerbaijan to participate in the extraordinary presidential elections held in Azerbaijan on February 7, Report informs.

The author, who first talked about the complete victory of President Ilham Aliyev in the article, drew attention to the fact that this year's elections are of special importance, covering all the sovereign territories of Azerbaijan for the first time after 30 years of occupation.

Noting that the issue of national sovereignty and territorial integrity is an important issue for every Azerbaijani, Margolis emphasized that President Ilham Aliyev, who restored the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan after the historic Victory in the Second Karabakh War, was welcomed by the Azerbaijani people as a national hero.

In the article, the author also talked about the openness and transparency of the voting held in Azerbaijan and evaluated it as one of the most transparent elections in the world. In this regard, Margolis said that all polling stations across the country were organized in accordance with the relevant procedures, more than 790 official international observers from 72 countries and international organizations, as well as more than 90,000 Azerbaijani observers, including about 83 representatives from NGOs, national and international human rights monitor groups actively participated in the observation process, and they were given ample opportunities to control the process.

Also, in his article, Margolis shared his views on the opportunities created for registered candidates for the presidency.

Speaking about the economic potential of Azerbaijan as one of the other factors of the democratic elections held in the country, the author said that thanks to the strategic economic programs established by President Ilham Aliyev and National Leader Heydar Aliyev, today Azerbaijan has become a regional economic power.

At the end of the article, referring to Farid Shafiyev, chairman of the independent thinktank Center of Analysis of International Relations, it is emphasized that the elections are historic elections that cover all the territories of Azerbaijan, symbolically indicating the end of the conflict with Armenia, open new doors for the signing of a peace agreement, and once again confirm the political stability of Azerbaijan in the current difficult geopolitical situation in the South Caucasus.
