Pashinyan in the role of "chief fortification".


Imran Badirkhanli
Imranbedirkhanlı[email protected]

The Prime Minister compared his country to a minefield

Although any comparison is considered flawed, it is as instructive as it is interesting that the Prime Minister of Hayar compares the state of society to a pedestrian trying to move through a mined area in Armenia. Nikol Pashinyan says that there is only one way out of this "mined black strip" for his state and people. At this time, the prime minister, who probably imagines himself as a separatist, does not forget to make a short excursion into history: "When we thoroughly analyze our past historical experience, we must come to the following conclusion: what ideology, what concept should we put on the foundation of our state in order to ensure the permanence and security of our state?" ".

Addressing these words from the podium at the meeting of the initiative group of the "Civil Agreement" party in Ashtarak two days ago, Prime Minister Pashinyan then addresses his party members with a logical question: "How should we organize our affairs so that our state will always remain the Republic of Armenia?"

The prime minister of Haylar tries to answer the question himself. According to him, the conclusion reached is that the legitimacy of the policy carried out by the official Yerevan both inside the country and outside its borders should be the foundation of the strength and security of the Republic of Armenia.

But how to achieve this legitimacy? Unfortunately, Nikol Pashinyan avoids answering this question directly. Instead, he says that Armenian society is currently in a kind of minefield, and there are not many ways and methods to get out of this dangerous zone. "In the end, it may be known that there is only one way out of that mined area," said the Prime Minister, pointing out the main task of the political power that is now in power and headed by him: "The power should assess the situation correctly and disclose it to the public. Then he should show the way out of this situation, and also explain how risky and dangerous this path is."

Admitting that they should talk about the real situation, Pashinyan highlights this as the most important issue of today's reality: "We are obliged to inform the public about this. We must also warn him that one wrong step he will take will cause an explosion in the minefield.

It turns out that the prime minister, who is trying to explain to his citizens what dangerous situation they are facing, is also sending a message to people abroad. That is, don't try to jump over your head, lobbyists, diaspora rich people who are not aware of the state of the people. No matter how high you go, you'll fall back into a minefield anyway. Pashinyan, who declared this to the Armenians clearly and unadornedly, took upon himself the position of the chief fortification officer who would save the state and the people from that mined area, either by force or voluntarily.

Yes, a very difficult and dangerous mission awaits him. The prime minister of Armenia, whose head was hit by stones during his almost six years in power, probably did not know that "his own" - revanchist-dashnaks buried mines in that dangerous area.

Fortifiers perform a very important mission in wartime. Sometimes the fate of the whole regiment or brigade depends on the service of this special type of troops, which clears the road and dam-river from mines for the army to advance. Falling into the minefield of the society is a worse issue. Now Nikol Pashinyan is looking for ways to get the Armenian society out of this dangerous zone. As he admitted, "if he makes a wrong move, an explosion can occur in that minefield." In other words, the Prime Minister of Hay, who sees himself in the role of the main savior of the society, understands well that there is no chance to make a mistake. He also understands very well that a fencer makes only one mistake in his work.
