Nicole's tale of The Telegraph


The Prime Minister of Armenia once again announced that he has no intention of peace

"I will do everything to establish peace in our region." Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said this in an interview with the British publication "The Telegraph". As they say, your voice is good if you read the Quran.

Of course, the example we mentioned is an example, but we must also say that Nicole has nothing to do with the Koran, or with any holy book in general. It is also difficult to say why the Armenian Prime Minister used the following opinion: "I believe in God and I think that every self-respecting state should respect its international obligations."

Of course, sometimes patriotism is the last refuge of the unscrupulous. We do not mean that Nicole is dishonest. However, what he said populistically about the state of Armenia inevitably makes the saying we have brought to our attention relevant. Pashinyan's patriotism manifests itself in presenting his country to international public opinion in the guise of a democratic homeland. Yes, in the thread. He believes that by constantly talking about democracy, he gives an additional "argument for action" to the anti-Azerbaijani forces of the world, to those who blame our country for human rights and freedoms. But the world sees everything. The world sees that Pashinyan's democratism does not go beyond the soap bubble. Therefore, Nicole is forced to answer the British publication's question about the arrests in the country and tells a white lie: "After 2018, deep reforms in the judiciary and the legal field began in Armenia, and we made great progress. "The prime minister does not decide who should be arrested and who should not be arrested."

Supposedly, somewhere in the world, it is the head of the government who decides to arrest someone. The point is that the illegal arrests and repressive actions in Armenia are the bitter reality brought out by Pashinyan's management method, which imitates democracy. That is, the condition is not that the arrest order should be issued by the Prime Minister himself. This is what Nicole doesn't understand. However, Pashinyan manages to get angry: "I will not comment on your anonymous source, or on the anonymous source that others refer to, but you quote."

Of course, the prime minister of Armenia is also very good at tuning into nonsense. Especially when talking about the peace process with Azerbaijan and our country. "At the beginning of October 2022 in Prague, with the participation of the President of France and the President of the Council of the European Union, Armenia and Azerbaijan mutually recognized each other's sovereignty based on the Alma-Ata Declaration. After that, on October 30, the parties in Russia approved the opening of communications based on the recognition of borders and sovereignty of the two countries. This was confirmed once again at the meeting held in Brussels in May 2023," Nikol accuses Azerbaijan, and it is not difficult to see what his intention is from the opinions he expressed in the continuation of the interview.

The main point is that, as the head of the government said, if Armenia recognized Azerbaijan's sovereignty, why were illegal Armenian armed groups kept in Karabakh until September 2023 - until local anti-terrorist measures? Why did Pashinyan say that Karabakh has its own elected government? Imagine, Armenia recognizes the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, including Karabakh, and on the other hand, Karabakh has a power that fights against Azerbaijan?! It turns out that that authority has nothing to do with Armenia? So, why did good Nicole support the so-called presidential elections in the separatist regime and send a congratulatory message to the new "president"?

Yes, it is clear that the Armenian authorities evaluated the agreements reached in Prague, Moscow and Brussels only in their own light, and took the path of challenging the realities. The issue has no other name. Even today, Nicole's sincerity in her wishes for peace is an exception. For example, the Armenian Prime Minister said in an interview to "The Telegraph" that the Republic of Armenia, like every strong and sovereign country, has the right to have a strong army. Nikol also highlights the confidence of the international community that Armenia's defense capabilities are increasing.

Of course, this is primarily Pashinyan's unsuccessful attempt to justify, in his own world, that Armenia's militaristic policy is not aimed at other countries. Let's remember that the prime minister expressed his agreement to sign a non-aggression pact with Azerbaijan some time ago. Apparently, in his incomplete history, Hitler thought of the reference to the "Molotov-Rubbentrop" pact signed between Germany and the USSR. As it is known, Nazi Germany ignored the document and attacked the USSR. Therefore, the said agreement has become an insignificant document. Nicole is probably thinking of going the same way. There is no reason to conclude otherwise. Because the words of the Armenian prime minister do not have a sincere effect at the moment.

The non-constructive nature of the Prime Minister of Armenia is also evident in his direct accusations against Azerbaijan. He states that if Azerbaijan's position is not to recognize the document it has signed or the international obligation it has assumed, it should say so directly and openly. As you can see, Pashinyan indulges in obvious impudence. Speaking of commitment, without going into details, let us say that it is the Armenian Prime Minister himself who disrespected his signature in the tripartite Statement dated November 10, 2020.

Nicole's impudence is particularly perversely evident in her next thoughts. "If Azerbaijan does not respect its international obligations, then it can attack any state, to put it more simply, any neighbor," Pashinyan said. In this sense, it is enough to remember that he wants to change the country's constitution. This is the next impiety of N. Pashinyan, who says he believes in God.

However, there is another manifestation of the shamelessness of the Armenian Prime Minister. For example, Pashinyan states that his country has started the process of joining the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court from December 2022, and supposedly, this decision was related to cracks in Armenia's security system after the attack of Azerbaijan in September of that year. As you can see, Pashinyan is mixing anti-Azerbaijani rhetoric with anti-Russian logic.

The point is that accession to the Rome Statute of the ICC is the demand of the Western circles in front of Yerevan. Because the ICC issued a warrant for the arrest of Russian President Vladimir Putin and other country officials. By joining the Rome Statute and becoming a full member of the ICC, Armenia formalizes the restriction on the Kremlin leader's entry into the country. In other words, the intentions of the Armenian leadership to gain additional leverage to hold Azerbaijan responsible with the Rome Statute and justify the issue with the security factor are nothing but nonsense.

It is clear that Yerevan's ability to use the ICC level against our country is limited. There is no proper legal mechanism for this. That is, the main point is to turn away from Russia. Of course, when Iravan chooses such a script, it makes a foolish move to show Azerbaijan as pro-Russian, to use the rhetoric of "Moscow's support for Baku's aggression", and to direct the world's anti-Russian antipathy towards Baku, which is the intention of challenging peace in the South Caucasus.

According to N. Pashinyan, who continues his anti-Russian rhetoric, his country does not turn its back on Moscow, but sets itself the task of diversifying its relations with partners. It is known that what Nicole said next is a white lie. That is, the line taken by the country is as clear as day, and this is not the path determined by Armenia as an independent state, but a foreign dictate.

Speaking of dictation, Pashinyan also brings up this saying when he says that the reforms in his country are not based on short-term interests. He says that the deepening of Armenia-European Union relations is obvious. It follows from Pashinyan's words that the current deepening is related to the country's significant progress in the field of democratic reforms.

In an interview with The Telegraph, Pashinyan also says that Armenia is not discussing the possibility of becoming a member of NATO. It's not about Nicole lying to her heart's content. Of course, official Yerevan is thinking of using all international platforms, including the NATO level, against our country, this is in its place. The main point is that the pro-Armenian circles abroad, and not Nikol, determine what steps Armenia will take. That is, it makes no sense for Pashinyan, as the most responsible person, to emphasize that joining NATO is not a priority for his country. Whatever her masters abroad dictate, Nicole will carry it out. Joining the Rome Statute, which will not bring any results for Armenia, which is a South Caucasian country, is a step based on the same essence as joining NATO. Simply joining the Rome Statute, NATO membership are different matters. Pashinyan and his patrons know this well. They know that the realization of such a thing is practically a death sentence for the country. Therefore, Nicole very confidently emphasizes that Yerevan has no intention of joining the alliance.

Finally, let's pay attention to one point in the interview of the Armenian Prime Minister. As is known, the political situation in Armenia is not stable. This, without a doubt, has a negative impact on the life of the country. In such a case, I wonder how Pashinyan determines that his country ranks 7th in the world according to the internal security index. This idea is absurd. It is not at all interesting that which countries occupy the next places in the list? I wonder who are the "poor countries" ahead of Armenia in the "rating"?

