CIS observation mission meet with heads of pre-election headquarters of presidential candidates


In light of the upcoming snap presidential election in Azerbaijan, representatives of the CIS observation mission held meetings with the heads of the pre-election headquarters of presidential candidates.


During the meetings, they outlined the mission`s principles, compilation procedures, and efforts regarding the monitoring of the election campaign in Azerbaijan. They also discussed the number of CIS observers and other pertinent matters.


In turn, the heads and members of the headquarters informed the CIS representatives about the primary directions of the candidates` election platforms for the highest state office and their interactions with voters. They emphasized that all candidates were afforded equal opportunities to campaign and present their programs.


Representatives of the CIS observation mission also visited Gobustan, Shamakhi, Ismayilli and Aghsu districts to gain a first-hand understanding of the operations of district and precinct election commissions. They were informed about the election preparation work and observed polling stations equipped with technical and methodological resources.


Acknowledging the concerted efforts to ensure transparency in the election process, members of the long-term mission hailed the constructive interaction between the election commissions and international observers.
