Pakistani expert: France creating obstacles to Baku-Yerevan normalization


The actions of Paris are increasingly hampering regional peace in the South Caucasus and undermining efforts to normalize relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Pakistani analyst and expert on Central Asia Muhammad Ali Pasha told Report.

“France’s perceived anti-Azerbaijan policy has raised concerns, with critics pointing to a biased political stance that allegedly hampers regional peace efforts. The accusation suggests that France’s actions may be complicating the delicate process of normalizing relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia,” he noted.

Muhammad Ali Pasha also highlighted the presence of pronounced elements of Islamophobia in the domestic and foreign policies of France, which could subsequently cause political unrest in the country itself.

“Critics argue that France’s political positions may contribute to an environment where Islamophobia thrives, potentially influencing domestic policies and public sentiment. This dual perspective highlights the complexities of international relations, where a nation’s foreign policy decisions are scrutinized not only for their geopolitical implications but also for potential consequences on social and cultural dynamics.”
