Don't let it, the congressmen are coming at us!


The "state pro-Armenians" of the USA do not rest peacefully

The old team is at work again. We are talking about the pro-Armenian team in the USA. Who are these? Consider again: Congressmen Frank Pellone, Gus Bilirrakis, Adam Schiff and David Valadao. These people, who are, as they say, the puppeteers of the Armenian lobby and diaspora organizations in the country, are also the co-chairs of the US Congress Working Group on Armenia. They came together and issued a statement. In their "old" statements, they showed that they were in the old times - the territory of Armenia was occupied, the Armenian population of Karabakh faced ethnic cleansing, and so on. In short, wow.

Yes, the statement of the US congressmen stated that supposedly, Azerbaijan does not want to withdraw its troops from the territory of Armenia, and this is a continuation of the policy of ethnic cleansing against more than 100 thousand residents of Karabakh. As you say, the international community is to blame for the situation, the foreign world does not give a proper political assessment to Baku's "aggressive plans" and as a result, its appetite does not increase.

As it is known, these ideas are attracting attention as an important component of the anti-Azerbaijani policy of the Armenian authorities. That is, the issues that the official Yerevan focuses on, the congressmen of the United States bring up exactly those points. The next feature in the statement that we will mention is the waste product of the crazy think tanks of the Armenian government.

Thus, the congressmen concluded that the USA and its regional partners should use all diplomatic means, including sanctions, to ensure the territorial integrity of the latter in response to the open threats of the Azerbaijani authorities against Armenia. Thank them, it's good that they didn't talk about the Pentagon sending troops to protect the territory of Armenia. It seems that they left this task to France, another representative of the collective pro-Armenian West. But the logic of sanctions belongs to the United States.

It should be noted that the sanction was usually based on the cancellation of the decision of the US Congress on the suspension of the 907th amendment to the Freedom Support Act. Note that the 907th amendment prevented Washington from providing direct military assistance to Baku. But since 2001, presidents of the United States have had the power to revoke the amendment every year. The goals of the Armenian lobby and diaspora organizations, as well as their "spokesmen" in Congress, have been to deprive the heads of state of the United States of their power. Rather, they should terminate these powers on the basis of the presentation of the Congress.

Of course, the situation with regard to the 907th amendment is directly incompatible with the logic of sanctions. Nor does the fact that Washington does not provide military assistance to our country create some kind of distress. That is, our country knows very well where to get weapons from... However, the issue has a moral meaning, and if "necessity" arises, it can be considered as a reference point for launching the sanctions agenda. It seems that the congressmen have decided to change the trajectory, so to speak. They stand on the direct sanction. If anything, the issue sounds even louder…

The next demand of the pro-Armenian congressmen is from the US State Department. In their statements, this organization and its international partners were called to take decisive steps to prevent any aggression of Azerbaijan and ensure the security of Armenia. In fact, a similar motive was reflected in the resolution adopted by the French Senate last week. This once again confirms that Washington is losing to Paris in the pro-Armenian race. Consider that the French Senate issues a resolution and that document is adopted by a large majority. In the United States, only five or six meaningless congressmen appear. However, as we pointed out earlier, they are the co-chairs of the Congress Working Group on Armenia.

Can you imagine that a separate group is created in the parliament of one country to deal with the affairs of another country? In any case, the format of the group is not that of a working group on relations and cooperation between the supreme legislatures of different states. Here we are talking about taking care of Armenia. On the other hand, in fact, the group in question is the pro-Armenian club of the congress. The members of the club are the people we mentioned. Of course, the most active of them is Frank Pellone. That's why he published the statement based on biased and anti-Azerbaijani motives that we mentioned about Pellone on his account on the "X" social network.

In the end, let's say that until now, F. Pellone and his friends have not had a few prejudiced approaches to Azerbaijan. Apparently, these people are aware that they are spreading numerous documents against our country. Most likely, they know very well that those documents are of no use. Probably because they thought that in their world they added some kind of more powerful notes to their statements. For example, they said that the time has come for Azerbaijan to answer for its actions against Armenians in the South Caucasus. I wonder how they determined that? The question is rhetorical. Because the answer is clear. As the funding of the Armenian lobby increases, it is possible for the likes of Pellone to bring up all manner of insolence. What do you think? In principle, there is not a word to say about this kind of stupidity. Only one scene from the famous Azerbaijani film "Ring of Fortune" comes to mind: don't let me go, Rasim is coming at me!

