Lukashenko's "smart Armenians"


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Or he would try to correct a naughty child by praising him

Psychologists say that it is not useful to apply force and other similar measures against naughty, uncontrollable children. One of the methods of correction in the current subject is to praise those children who do not sleep well, to highlight some of their skills. Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko's statement to journalists during the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council on December 25 in St. Petersburg, Russia, reminds us of the picture we have described.

We will talk about A.Lukashenko's statement about Armenia and Armenians, about the closeness of Armenia and the West, including the influence of this closeness on the South Caucasus. For now, let's leave aside that the words of the President of Belarus were a repetition of what various political circles of Russia emphasized about Armenia. A.Lukashenko did not hesitate to express these views, which were shared by the representatives of official Moscow, but they did not express them in his own way. The leader of Belarus is always faithful to his role - he likes to present the truth in a fairly bare form. By the way, let's say that we have witnessed and are witnessing the realization of a number of issues that he put forward as predictions. So let's see what Mr. Lukashenko said about Armenia?

The leader of Belarus is well aware that Western countries have started a struggle to create a sphere of influence in the South Caucasus through Armenia. He is well aware that this struggle is based on the goal of isolating Russia from the region. In fact, in the current sense, the experience of Ukraine, which A.Lukashenko often talks about, is in sight. In Ukraine, too, the West managed to pit the Russian and Ukrainian peoples of the same origin against each other for the sake of its anti-Russian rhetoric, and the terrible consequences of this are well known to everyone.

Of course, Azerbaijanis and Armenians have never been as close as Russians and Ukrainians. From the point of view of the former, the setting of the issue does not have the same sentimental semantics as in the latter. That is, in the South Caucasus, Armenians act in an autonomous form as a destroyer. If Russia takes into account certain factors in the war with Ukraine and has to take them, neither our Armenians nor their consideration of us have any common points. In this sense, the scale of the deplorable situation awaiting Armenia due to its destructive position may be wider. If the Russians retreated ten kilometers from Kiev, we will not retreat if we reach Yerevan. Also because the capital of Armenia is our ancient land. The bitter truth is this: We gave our land so that they would give up on us, but they did not get results. They should serve their punishment.

Let's also say that the issue is not about Azerbaijan taking over Armenia, which is a state, even if it is a constitution. It's just that the latter's unacceptable approach and constant instilling of hatred towards our country suggests that there is a prospect of a third war in the region. It is also known that if a new war happens, it will not be like the previous two wars. There will be a fight of global interest and interests, and what Lukashenko said was that Armenia is not ready for such a scenario.


"I am sure that Armenia will not go anywhere. Didn't they see how people fell in Afghanistan clinging to the chassis? Remember that the Americans left. This is exactly how they will use Armenia and throw it away. And so it will be. This is their (American - ed.) policy. Armenians are smart people. They understand that this is exactly what will happen. Who will help them there? He tries to rationalize the "naughty" and "pampered" Armenia, and he does not fail to warn.

The second part of A. Lukashenko's lessons, so to speak, is related to France. He knows very well that at the moment it is official Paris that wants to derail Yerevan, so to speak. Therefore, he draws attention to the pitiful situation in which France has fallen and alludes to the inadmissibility of such a country imposing something on Armenia. Yes, as Lukashenko said, let Paris solve its problems first, and then think about coming to the Caucasus. However, there is no hope that France, with the current President Emmanuel Macron's administration, will calm the situation at home. It seems that since there is no hope, the country is hoeing and seeing its way out in the struggle for interests in the South Caucasus. Macron believes that in this way France will be able to become a voice in global politics again. Of course, he did not achieve anything with such an approach, that is, by investing politically in the strengthening of Armenian adventurism in the region, and it is interesting that the leader of Belarus thinks that Armenians see this. I wonder who saw it? Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan?


A. Lukashenko also states that what happens in front of the public is one thing, and what happens outside of advertising is completely different. The main processes take place on the second level. "According to those processes, Armenia will definitely be with us. Because this is the most important direction of their development", the President of Belarus emphasizes.

Let's go back to the logic we mentioned at the beginning. That is, Mr. Lukashenko's logic of "considering Armenians intelligent". As we said, this logic is also a psychological attempt to reason. In any case, it is unlikely that the leader of Belarus intends to sow seeds of doubt about Armenia's loyalty in the West by expressing such views. But as an experienced politician, it is possible that Lukashenko thinks about it. He expresses his opinion confidently. He even speaks so confidently that he seems to have forgotten that a while ago he called N. Pashinyan and invited him to the meeting of the Collective Security Treaty Organization held in his country, but there was no result. It should be noted that at that time, Nikol justified the reasons for not going to the summit of the CSTO in a sufficiently confident manner...


Finally, Lukashenko's ideas have a separate "Armenians" logic. That logic does not affect the current government of Armenia. If we take into account that the Pashinyan government is strongly pro-Western and it is obvious that it will not change its path, then the "intelligent Armenians" spoken about by the President of Belarus are completely different people. Maybe, Lukashenko thinks that those people are one with them. Therefore, those "intelligent Armenians" should remove the "unintelligent Pashinyan" from power so that the words of the head of Belarus will become valid. Otherwise, there is no confidence that Pashinyan and his team will back down and come to the right path.

