President Ilham Aliyev’s speech at ADA Forum in spotlight of Macedonian media


President Ilham Aliyev’s speech at the International forum titled "Karabakh: Back Home After 30 Years. Accomplishments and Challenges", held at ADA University on Wednesday, has been in the focus of the Macedonian media.


"Sloboden Pechat" newspaper published a detailed account of President Ilham Aliyev’s statement regarding the US-Azerbaijan bilateral relations.


“Denesen” publication reflected on the President's thoughts on creating all conditions for former refugees and internally displaced persons returning to their homes, the rapid restoration of the liberated territories, the separatist regime's obstruction of the peace process, and how now those separatists are waiting for the court's decision in Azerbaijan.


Macedonian TV channels “Sitel” and “Kanal 5” also produced reports analyzing President Ilham Aliyev’s speech at the international forum.
