MFA official: Armenia should be pressured to hand over mine maps to Azerbaijan


Armenia should be pressured to hand over mine maps to Azerbaijan, Elshad Isgandarov, ambassador on special assignments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, said at an event themed "Solidarity with mine victims in the South Caucasus: an important pillar of the strategy to eliminate landmines and their consequences in the South Caucasus" held in Baku on December 4, XQ informs.

According to him, informing the countries of the world about the landmine problem in Azerbaijan should result in the cooperation of international organizations and foreign countries:

"Because currently, the fight against the landmine problem is the main priority area in Azerbaijan. The funds required for demining in Azerbaijan is $25 billion, and the aid provided over the past three years is $10 million. These numbers help to see how small the aid provided in the face of the problem is. From this point of view, I think that international actors should increase their support to Azerbaijan regarding this issue. Pressure should be put on Armenia to hand over the mine maps to Azerbaijan. Because this step itself will help Azerbaijan to fight the landmine problem."

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