Kyrgyzstan's ex-PM: Conference on missing persons - very timely and necessary


The conference on missing persons in Azerbaijan, where today the fate of almost 4,000 citizens remains unclear, is very timely and necessary, former Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Djoomart Otorbaev said.

Report informs that Otorbaev spoke at the international conference “Increasing national and global efforts to clarify the fate of missing persons,” which began today in Baku.

"This conference in Baku is very timely and necessary. Today it is necessary to focus on raising awareness on this issue, adopting the best global practices, understanding how to make dialogue and discussion on this issue sustainable in order to achieve results," he said.

According to him, today this conference involves people who have all the necessary experience in this matter.

He emphasized the need to continue work on this issue in order to help the Azerbaijani people and families learn about the fate of the missing.
