A terrible disease can spread in Azerbaijan - WARNING from a well-known professor


Swine flu spreading in Great Britain may also come to Azerbaijan.

The first case of swine flu was detected in North Yorkshire, Great Britain. The British Health Security Agency issued a statement about this. It was noted that the person diagnosed with the virus had no contact with pigs.

Taking into account the extensive relations with Great Britain, there are concerns about whether this virus will come to Azerbaijan.

Speaking to "Khazar Khabar" on the subject, Professor Adil Geybulla said that the influenza virus cannot be completely destroyed because it is a carrier. For this reason, every year it mutates and becomes more severe. One of the mutated types of the virus is swine flu.

The professor said that the detection of the swine flu virus in Great Britain can be considered a threat to Azerbaijan as well. Therefore, it is very important to take preventive measures.

Adil Geybulla added that the Ministry of Health has brought flu vaccine to the country. That vaccine can be used against 11 types of influenza virus. Vaccination is mandatory for everyone, especially those with severe cases of coronavirus and those with co-morbidities. Because the course of swine flu is relatively severe.
