Photo exhibition on "Protection of Azerbaijan’s cultural heritage: Austria’s contribution" unveiled in Vienna


The inauguration of a photo exhibition titled "Protection of Azerbaijan’s cultural heritage: Austria’s contribution" has been held at the Azerbaijan Cultural Center in Vienna.


Distinguished dignitaries, including representatives of the diplomatic corps in Vienna, ambassadors, employees of international organizations, officials, representatives of the local community, and Azerbaijani compatriots residing in Austria, graced the inaugural function.


Opening the event, Leyla Gasimova, the head of the Cultural Center, expressed gratitude to Austrian companies for their significant contributions to the preservation of cultural and historical monuments across various regions of Azerbaijan.


Azerbaijan’s Ambassador to Austria Rovshan Sadigbayli noted that preserving the country’s rich cultural heritage has always been a priority for the Azerbaijani government. He highlighted the restoration efforts in the Karabakh region, describing it as a national mission following the complete restoration of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity.


The ambassador praised the photo exhibition, which highlights the contribution of Austrian architects to the restoration and conservation of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Icherisheher, the Maiden Tower, and other cultural monuments, while also showcasing the cultural and religious heritage of the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan. He highlighted the global campaign “Peace for Culture” launched by the UN Alliance of Civilizations in 2021, emphasizing that the restoration and preservation of cultural heritage would contribute to ensuring sustainable peace.


Elshad Aliyev, the Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Work with Diaspora, expressed gratitude to Austrian companies involved in construction and restoration efforts in the Karabakh region.


Representatives of Austrian companies operating in Azerbaijan, including Manfred Wehdorn, Erich Pummer and Roman Brügger, made presentations on their work across Azerbaijan, highlighting the friendly relations between Azerbaijan and Austria.


Docent of Giessen University in Germany, turkologist scientist Michael Reinhard Hess mentioned the rich cultural heritage of Shusha and Karabakh in the literary and cultural history of Azerbaijan. He underscored that the acts of vandalism in the city of Shusha during the occupation were aimed at completely erasing Azerbaijan’s cultural heritage from the face of the earth. The scientist presented his book titled “The heritage of Shusha. History and development path of the cultural capital of Azerbaijan”.


The event also featured a performance by Azerbaijan`s mugham group, led by the outstanding singer and People's Artist Mansum Ibrahimov.


The event was organized by the Azerbaijani Embassy in Austria, with the support of the State Committee on Work with Diaspora of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
