"Ali and Nino" premiered in Australia as part of “Azerbaijani movie night”


A film "Ali and Nino", produced by Vice-President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Leyla Aliyeva, was screened in the Australian cities of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane as part of the "Azerbaijani movie night" with the support of the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Australia and the Heydar Aliyev Foundation.


According to the Embassy, representatives of the local community, diplomats, as well as Azerbaijanis living in Australia attended the premiere of the film in Sydney.


Chargé d'Affaires a.i. of the Azerbaijani Embassy in Australia Vagif Jafarov highlighted the historical significance of the film to be displayed. Jafarov said that the film "Ali and Nino", which has been presented in several countries across the world, earned a special place among the most valuable screen works that shed light on the national liberation struggle of the Azerbaijani people.


The diplomat expressed his confidence that the screening of the film "Ali and Nino" would introduce interesting moments about the history and culture of Azerbaijan, as well as the history and cultural richness of the country to the Australian audience.


Vagif Jafarov described the close involvement of Azerbaijanis living in Australia in the organization of movie nights as a remarkable event. “Their determination to demonstrate the rich traditions and history of Azerbaijan in foreign countries is another manifestation of how closely Azerbaijanis are attached to their national values, regardless of where they live,” he added.
