Azerbaijan, Türkiye discuss cooperation in science, preservation of cultural and historical heritage


President of the International Turkic Academy, Academician Shahin Mustafayev has met with professor İlber Ortaylı, an honorary member of the Turkish Historical Society, a board member of the International Committee for Ottoman Studies.

İlber Ortaylı visited the Museum of Türkiye and the Turkish library at the International Turkic Academy, and got acquainted with the personal belongings and book collections of famous Turkologists.

The meeting featured discussions on cooperation between the Turkic states in the field of science, protection of cultural and historical heritage protection, as well as historical and educational ideas of Turkish intellectuals.

Shahin Mustafayev informed İlber Ortaylı about the activities of the International Turkish Academy, as well as the projects aimed at deepening and developing scientific integration in the Turkic world.

İlber Ortaylı donated his publications to the library of the International Turkic Academy.
