Confirmed: They baked the bread for the first time


The ancient Egyptians are traditionally considered to be the first people to bake bread around 8000 BC. In fact, the real inventors of bread can be considered the Australian aborigines who perfected the art of baking tens of thousands of years before the Egyptians.

"Ancient Origins" writes about it. New research suggests that Aboriginal Australians were baking bread around 34,000 years ago, long before the pyramids graced the Egyptian landscape. The key to this discovery came after the discovery of ancient millstones in New South Wales. Millstones were used by Aboriginal people to grind seeds into flour for baking. This discovery proves that the chronology of the history of baking goes much further back.

Research has shown that the way of baking of the aborigines was not limited to only one type of grain. At that time, the local flora, including the seeds of various plants such as pigweed, were used. Baked either directly on hot coals or in a special oven, bread played an important role in Aboriginal cuisine. It wasn't just food, it was a true cultural cornerstone reflecting the rich Aboriginal heritage. Unfortunately, with the arrival of Europeans and the introduction of white flour, these ancient baking methods continued in some regions until the 1970s and gradually fell out of favor.
