Romanian media hails Azerbaijan’s role in European energy security


Romania's leading media outlets published articles highlighting Azerbaijan’s role in ensuring European energy security.

The articles featured remarks made by Romanian Minister of Energy Sebastian-Ioan Burduja during his interview with the local media.

In his interview, the minister noted that Romania, with its rapidly growing economy and favorable investment climate, had strengthened its position as a reliable partner and leading player in the European energy region.

Sebastian-Ioan Burduja emphasized that the realization of cooperation projects between Romania and Azerbaijan could change the energy landscape of Europe. He described the STRING project, which envisages the transportation of Azerbaijani gas to Romania and other countries of the region, as the key element for the stabilization of the regional energy market.

“The "Green corridor" project, which includes the construction of an undersea cable for the transportation of electricity, is an important step in this area. This agreement with Azerbaijan is important for ensuring energy security and diversification of supply,” the minister underlined.

Sebastian-Ioan Burduja also noted the increasing role of Azerbaijan in regional markets, stressing the importance of coordination in this context.

Speaking about the new LNG terminal project in the Caspian Sea, the minister emphasized that it would open a new corridor for the export of gas from the Caspian region. "This project will enable to diversify the entry points of gas imports to the EU, as well as to ensure that the energy supply is safe and reliable," he added.


Igbal Hajiyev

Special correspondent

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