Another hotbed of war is brewing in the world


Clashes and wars on the Korean Peninsula have become a matter of time since the DPRK and the Republic of Korea failed to comply with the de-escalation agreement.

This was stated in an article published by the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) of a military observer from the DPRK.

According to the expert, the current leadership of South Korea pursues a policy of hostility towards the DPRK for internal political reasons and is waiting for an excuse to abandon the agreement, which serves as a mechanism to prevent accidental clashes. According to the commentator, this excuse was the launch of the DPRK intelligence satellite on November 21.
The expert drew attention to the concentration of large forces on the border of the DPRK and South Korea.

"Already buffer zones" have been completely abolished. "Now, physical conflict and war on the Korean Peninsula has become a matter of time, not probability," the author stressed.

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