Defense Ministry: Azerbaijan Army positions subjected to fire


From 21:35 on September 13 to 00:45 on September 14, the Armenian armed forces units from the positions in the directions of Yukhari Zaghali settlement of the Basarkechar district and Mosesgekh settlement of the Tovuzgala district using small arms periodically subjected to fire the Azerbaijan Army positions stationed in the directions of the Mollabayramli settlement of the Kalbajar district and Aghdam settlement of the Tovuz district, Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Defense told XQ.

“In addition, on September 14 at about 00:05, illegal Armenian armed detachments in the territory of Azerbaijan, where the Russian peacekeeping forces are temporarily stationed, subjected to fire the Azerbaijan Army positions in the Kalbajar direction.

The Azerbaijan Army Units took retaliatory measures in the mentioned directions,” the ministry added.

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