Key area of interest in Azerbaijan identified by TRACECA countries announced


The countries of the Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia (TRACECA) show interest in anti-drone systems used in the airports of Azerbaijan, Rufat Bayramov, national secretary of the TRACECA Intergovernmental Commission for Azerbaijan, told Report.

Bayramov noted that discussions of this topic were held at the two-day (April 29-30) seminar of TRACECA countries on Aviation Security and Risk Assessment in Baku: "Issues such as the expansion of aviation security and cyber security were discussed at the seminar. Current problems of the countries in the field of civil aviation were brought to attention.

He also pointed out that the purpose of organizing the seminar was to exchange the best knowledge and experiences. During the event, the participants focused on the development and implementation of the national risk assessment methodology. Panelists emphasized the importance of tailored strategies for different regions and organizations, and shared best practices and insights on creating sound risk assessment frameworks.
