UNHCR, AFFA host inclusive mini-football tournament in Baku


The Representation of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Azerbaijan, in collaboration with the Association of Football Federations of Azerbaijan (AFFA), will today organize an inclusive mini-football tournament at Sportster Stadium near Koroghlu metro station from 15:30 to 19:15.

This unique event features six teams, including two female teams competing separately, all representing refugee communities, UNHCR, the State Committee for Refugee and IDP Affairs, and the Migration Volunteers.

The tournament is part of the broader World Refugee Day (WRD) celebration, observed annually and globally on 20 June to honor the strength and courage of those forced to flee their homes. This year's mini-football competition aims to promote sports as a means of effectively integrating displaced people into their host communities.

The teams, symbolizing various essential elements of life and the environment, are competing under thematic names: "Fauna," "Flora," "Water," "Wind (Air)," "Energy," and "Universe." These themes align with the 2024 UN Climate Change Conference (COP29) to be held in Baku in November 2024.

UNHCR has been actively involved in the UN Climate Change Conference, advocating for the inclusion of forcibly displaced people to raise awareness about how climate change impacts them. It will continue to support COP29 in Baku.

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, protects people forced to flee their homes due to conflict and persecution. Operating in over 130 countries, we protect millions of people by providing life-saving support, safeguarding fundamental human rights, and helping them build a better future.

UNHCR collaborates with FIFA to leverage sports programs to improve the lives of displaced and stateless people, spread awareness on key dates like World Refugee Day, and deliver joint campaigns.

Furthermore, during the 2nd Global Refugee Forum in December 2024, the Azerbaijani Government committed to using sports as a means of inclusion and empowerment for refugees. This dedication highlights the transformative role that sports can play in enhancing the well-being and opportunities of refugee communities.

The Association of Football Federations of Azerbaijan (AFFA) is the governing body of football in Azerbaijan. AFFA is dedicated to promoting football at all levels and fostering unity and teamwork through various sporting events and initiatives.

This mini-football event underscores the commitment to promoting inclusiveness and fostering unity. It serves as a platform to raise awareness about the plight of refugees and internally displaced persons while celebrating their resilience and contributions to society.
