American student: Mining actions in Amulsar gold mine poses significant toxic and radioactive pollution risks for ecosystem



American student: Mining actions in Amulsar gold mine poses significant toxic and radioactive pollution risks for ecosystem


“Today we express deep concerns regarding serious environmental damages caused as a result of the irresponsible and reckless actions of the republic of Armenia in the South Caucasus. For example, during the illegal occupation of Karabakh, Armenia had polluted rivers that flow into other areas of Azerbaijan. There is also the danger that the Metsamor nuclear power plant in Armenia has posed. And environmental activists and experts have pointed out that this could possibly be one of the dangerous power plants in the world. And to this day, Armenia has refused to shut it down,” said Matt Garnett, a student at the University of Michigan of the U.S.


“The UN recognizes a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment as a fundamental human right. As the global community rallies around the UN and intensifies efforts to address environmental challenges, Armenia's actions are in contrast with these endeavors, as well as Transboundary Rivers Convention and the UN Economic Commission for Europe Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (also known as Espoo Convention),” he mentioned.


“Considering the upcoming COP-29 summit will be held in the South Caucasus, in the capital of Azerbaijan - Baku, Armenia should further protect the environment, thus fulfill its own obligations stemming from international conventions.


We urge the Armenian government and private companies operating in Armenia’s mining industry, for example, to open doors to all facilities to international experts specialized in the field of ecology, health, including specialized NGOs from neighboring countries to allow them to inspect the facilities, evaluate and conduct monitoring, take appropriate steps, and allow for proper measuring.


We share deep concerns of civil society organizations recently addressed the Armenian government and companies involved to cease the mining actions in Amursal gold mine which poses significant toxic and radioactive pollution risks for the ecosystem,” Matt Garnett added.
