Eco-activists: Armenia should protect the environment and fulfill its own obligations stemming from international conventions


Today, we join our counterparts in Armenia and Azerbaijan in condemning the actions of the Armenian government that has caused eco terror in the transboundary rivers, that is in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia,” said head Emeri Eliud, head of TUBAE International, an organization operating in Kenya.


“We, as a grassroots organization in Kenya, condemn the environmental damage caused by Armenian government and the mine sector.


The UN recognizes a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment as a fundamental human right. As the global community rallies around the UN SDGs and intensifies efforts to address environmental challenges, Armenian government’s actions are in contrast with these endeavors, as well as Transboundary Rivers Convention and the UN Economic Commission for Europe Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention),” he said.


“As we prepare for COP29, which is planned to take place in November, 2024, in the Southern Caucasus, Azerbaijan, the capital city of Baku, Armenia should protect the environment, thus to fulfill its own obligations stemming from international conventions. As environmental defenders, we call upon the United Nation Framework Convention of Climate change to conduct an audit of party-states, and come up with a clear legal framework to those states contravening resolutions agreed,” Emeri Eliud added.
