Indonesia's Marapi volcano erupts


Marapi volcano in Indonesia's West Sumatra province erupted for about 54 seconds on Wednesday, throwing ash up to 1,500 meters above its peak, Xinhua reports citing the country's Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation.


"Ash column was observed to be gray with thick intensity toward the west," said Ahmad Rifandi, an officer at the volcano's monitoring post.


The center called on visitors to avoid any activities within the 4.5-km radius from the eruption center, and warned of the potential for cold lava flowing into rivers upstream from the peak in case of intense rain.


Standing as high as around 2,900 meters above sea level, Marapi volcano is currently at the third level of danger, below the highest level of IV.


In December last year, the volcano erupted, killing dozens of hikers and causing cancellation of flights at the local airport.
