Political scientist: EU strives for greater control, but is powerless to cope with problems of union countries


Pan-European structures are striving for more control, although at the same time, they find themselves powerless to cope with any problem that is difficult for European countries. At the moment, this is the situation in agriculture, Polish political scientist and professor at the Faculty of History and International Relations of the Saint Joseph University in Beirut, Jakub Korejba, told Report.


“They protest not only against this or that legislation, they protest against the whole model of European Union, which is bureaucratized and centralized and in the same way completely inefficient institution,” he noted, commenting on the latest farmer protests that continue across Europe.


“This means that more European Union power it wants, less it is efficient. This is the reason for European agricultures to be upset, being subordinated to an institution that is not only incapable of solving problems, but which is creating problems itself,” he said.


He added that Ursula von der Leyen had a chance not only to show herself as an efficient crisis manager, she could also act as a leader because during her term, European Union faced several crises, including COVID and migration crisis and border crisis, energetic crisis, Ukrainian crisis, Middle East crisis and some others.


“In all those situations, Frau Ursula had chance not only to behave someone who knows answers, who is an efficient manager. She could also behave as someone who is giving hope to Europeans who do not only know how to behave in this or that situation, who is responsible for this or that, but they don't know who they are.


There is also, and first and foremost, there is a crisis of identity, of European identity. Europeans don't know where this union is going towards.


Ursula von der Leyen had chance to give positive and constructive answers to all those questions. But she gave none. Her term is a complete catastrophe. She was not only technically incapable of solving crisis situations, she was also a vivid example of indifferent European bureaucrat who just doesn't care about the fate of ordinary people.”
