Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan agree on another 24 km of border


Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan agreed on another 24 kilometers of the state border, XQ informs via Kyrgyz media.

Kyrgyzstan’s Cabinet of Ministers noted that the latest bilateral meeting of topographic and working groups was held in the city of Buston, Tajikistan’s Sughd region.

The Cabinet of Ministers stressed that the parties will continue to work on defining the remaining areas at the next meeting, which will take place in Kyrgyzstan.

According to the agreement signed at the last meeting, Kyrgyzstan will have access to facilities it uses on the territory of Tajikistan, but the lands remain with this country. At the same time, Tajikistan will have access to the facilities it uses on the territory of Kyrgyzstan, and the lands will remain with the latter.
