Azerbaijani artists embark on groundbreaking tour to Sugovushan, Talish


The State Committee for Affairs of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons with the support of the Special Representative of the President of Azerbaijan in Khankandi city, Aghdara, and Khojaly districts, has organized an informative tour for a creative group of artists to the Sugovushan settlement and Talish village in the Aghdara district, Report informs.

During the tour, participants were provided with detailed information about the restoration and reconstruction work being carried out in the district under the instructions of President Ilham Aliyev, as well as the measures being taken to bring the local population back to their native lands.

The artists had the opportunity to witness firsthand the natural beauty of Sugovushan and immerse themselves in the landscapes.

In Talish village, the artists closely observed the living conditions of the returning population, visited newly created workplaces and other infrastructure facilities, and engaged in conversations with the residents. Throughout the informative tour, participants encountered the traces of Armenian atrocities and the devastated homeland, capturing their observations through photographs and videos.

As part of the implementation of clause 3.1.2 of the Action Plan of the First State Program on the Great Return, the State Committee for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons organizes informative tours to Karabakh and East Zangazur for groups consisting of various creative professionals.

Social life