Azerbaijani FM, US Assistant Secretary of State discuss regional developments


Azerbaijan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Jeyhun Bayramov met Friday with US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O’Brien.

The meeting saw discussions on the topical items of the bilateral and multilateral agenda between the two countries as well as the current state of and prospects for the reconciliation between Azerbaijan and Armenia and regional developments.

They stressed the importance of developing the US-Azerbaijan relations based on historical roots and mutual interests across various domains.

The Azerbaijani top diplomat briefed the US Assistant Secretary of State about the situation in the region during the post-conflict period and the negotiations on the peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia. He noted that Azerbaijan, as the initiator of the main elements of the peaceful process with Armenia, is interested in establishing peace and stability in the region.

Despite the significant advancements in the draft peace agreement, the Azerbaijani FM pointed out the necessity for Armenia to relinquish its ongoing claims against Azerbaijan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity enshrined in the Armenian constitution and legislative acts. He highlighted the need for Armenia to make amendments to its constitution in this regard.

He further emphasized that Armenia’s military policy does not contribute to peace and stability in the region.

During the meeting, the two also exchanged views on other bilateral and regional issues of mutual interest.



