Speaker Sahiba Gafarova: Strengthening Turkic unity is one of priority areas of Azerbaijan's foreign policy


During the 44-day Patriotic War, Azerbaijan put an end to the 30-year-long occupation, restored its territorial integrity, and established sovereignty all over its territories last September, marking the end of a great era and the beginning of a new era for our country and people,” Sahiba Gafarova, Speaker of the Milli Majlis, said as she addressed TURKPA’s 13th plenary meeting in Baku.

Lauding the efforts of Turkic cooperation institutions in working confidently to strengthen the unity of view and action of the Turkic people, the Speaker underscored that Azerbaijan highly appreciates TURKPA contributions to solidifying friendly and cooperative relations between the countries.

Quoting President Ilham Aliyev as saying: "Our family is the Turkic world", Speaker Sahiba Gafarova emphasized that continuous measures to strengthen the Turkic unity constitute one of the priority areas of Azerbaijan's foreign policy.
