Azerbaijan and Hungary sign protocol and memorandum to boost ties


The Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and Hungary, Jeyhun Bayramov and Peter Szijjarto, have signed a protocol following the second meeting of the Strategic Dialogue held today in Baku, according to Report.

Additionally, a memorandum on cooperation between the consular services of the two countries was also signed.

During the press conference after the meeting, Minister Jeyhun Bayramov stated that the main areas of cooperation between the two countries were discussed, including economics, investments, and energy.

He emphasized that Azerbaijan and Hungary have established a strong partnership in the energy sector.

The first meeting of the Strategic Dialogue between Azerbaijan and Hungary took place in Budapest in September last year.


Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Jeyhun Bayramov has received the Foreign Minister of Hungary Peter Szijjarto, Azerbaijan’s MFA said on X, Report informs.

The meeting was held within Szijjarto’s working visit to Azerbaijan.

Foreign Ministers signed a protocol on the results of the second meeting of the Strategic Dialogue held in Baku today.

They noted that Azerbaijan and Hungary have established strong partnerships in the energy sector.

