Azerbaijan`s Milli Majlis and New Caledonian Congress sign MoU on cooperation


Azerbaijan`s Milli Majlis and the Congress of New Caledonia have signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation.

The document was inked by Sahiba Gafarova, Speaker of Azerbaijan’s Milli Majlis, and Naisseline Omayra, Chair of the New Caledonian Congress Committee on Infrastructure, Spatial Planning, Sustainable Development, Energy, Transport, and Communications, representing Roch Wamytan, President of the Congress of New Caledonia.

During the signing ceremony, Speaker Sahiba Gafarova emphasized the significance of the document in laying the legal groundwork for the development of parliamentary relations between the two countries.

The MoU aims to develop interparliamentary cooperation and strengthen friendly ties between the peoples of Azerbaijan and New Caledonia.

The agreement outlines plans for reciprocal visits of parliamentary delegations to foster the establishment of enduring contacts between the commissions, committees, and authorities of both parliaments, and for exchange experiences in parliamentary activities.

It also includes provisions for the establishment of a parliamentary group to enhance collaboration and promote comprehensive engagement.

Efforts will be expedited to explore various avenues of cooperation between Azerbaijan and New Caledonia on the international parliamentary level.

Additionally, the establishment of a permanent relationship between the Milli Majlis Apparatus and the Bureau of the Congress of New Caledonia will facilitate the exchange of experiences, contributing to the effective functioning of both legislative bodies.
