Miller: US interaction with Azerbaijan and Armenia aimed at achieving peace


Every US interaction with Azerbaijan and Armenia is aimed at achieving lasting peace, US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said at a regular press briefing, Report informs.

“So I’m not going to speak to it in detail other than to say that our objectives in every engagement with the governments of Armenia and Azerbaijan are to include – are to encourage them to work to bridge the differences that – between the two countries and reach a durable and lasting peace agreement,” he said.

The last time US Senior Advisor for Caucasus Negotiations Louis Bono visited Azerbaijan on March 18 as part of a visit to the region.

Then the press service of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry reported that during a meeting with Minister Jeyhun Bayramov, the parties discussed the agenda and prospects for bilateral and multilateral cooperation between Azerbaijan and the US, the situation in the region, as well as aspects of the process of normalizing relations between Baku and Yerevan.

Bayramov spoke about the results of negotiations within the Munich Security Conference, and Azerbaijan’s expectations in the peace process. The minister brought to the interlocutor’s attention Baku’s position on a number of issues within the peace process that remain open.
