Azerbaijan sets the agenda in the South Caucasus


Armenia and its patrons should take into account this message at the swearing-in ceremony of President Ilham Aliyev

We can definitely say that President Ilham Aliyev, in his speech at the swearing-in ceremony held in the Milli Majlis, completely revived the picture of today's Azerbaijan. The head of our state spoke in detail about the issues facing our country, as well as prospective tasks. Of course, the part of the Azerbaijani leader's speech that was more important for the general public, including the international world, was what he emphasized about our country's relations with Armenia.

"I said it, I want to say it again from this high chair. We have solved our problem. We initiated the signing of the peace agreement with Armenia. We were the author of the five well-known principles. We also wrote the text of the peace agreement and sent it to the Armenian side. Now, if Armenia wants to comply with the norms of international law, this agreement will be signed. If he doesn't want to, if groundless claims are made against us, this contract will not be signed, but nothing will change for Azerbaijan."

The views of President Ilham Aliyev, which we have brought to our attention, put a stamp on his speech at the swearing-in ceremony and carry a complementary motive. That is, the head of our state announces that the peace process with Armenia is off the agenda. Therefore, the external aspect of peace in the South Caucasus had to root itself in the sincere position of our country and show the same level of sincerity. But this did not happen. Of course, it was necessary to take into account the other points highlighted by Mr. Aliyev. What are those moments? We will talk about it.

In general, in his speech, the leader of our country shows the current superiority of Azerbaijan and lists the economic, military and moral factors that determine this superiority. Therefore, if Azerbaijan puts forward some claims and principles, everyone should know that reality is behind those claims and principles.

For example, the head of our state says that Armenia and those who support it militarily should understand that nothing can stop Azerbaijan. As the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, the President is fully aware of the current situation of his Army, or rather of its high level of professionalism and determination: "Our Army has shown its strength on the battlefield, not in trainings, not in parades."

Yes, Armenia and its patrons should understand that territorial claims against Azerbaijan will not bring any results. The territorial claim exists and is reflected in Armenian legislation. Specifically, in the declaration of independence from which the country's Constitution originates.

We come to the conclusion that the issue of constitutional reforms raised by the Armenian leadership should be implemented as soon as possible and should not become a subject of speculation. Official Iravan should take into account that wasting time in the current direction calls into question his sincerity: "If the territorial claims against us are not stopped, if Armenia does not bring its legislation into normal order, of course there will be no peace agreement."

As it is known, after the 44-day war, there is a race for mediation between Azerbaijan and Armenia. This competition also manifests itself in the context of the global competition between countries trying to mediate. In other words, they did not act in order to realize the progressive intention. The head of state's attitude towards the issue is quite correct: "First of all, in order to be a mediator, you should at least be neutral on the face. We know what is in your heart. But, at least on the face, you have to follow the diplomatic rules. We do not need a mediator in this matter."

Yes, the fact is that it is obvious that those who do not follow any diplomatic rules appeared in the Azerbaijan-Armenia settlement process. With their incomplete thinking, they mistake the mediation mission with pro-Armenian bias. The most important issue is the games that those who took this path made after they suffered political defeat. That is, when they see that the possibilities of defending Yerevan are running out, they turn to completely different matters. For example, they describe Azerbaijan as an anti-democratic country and try to form a negative opinion about our country in the foreign world. Which method do they choose? President Ilham Aliyev describes this situation very precisely: "Sometimes we hear that some countries or a group of countries want to take over the functions of the international community and try to speak on behalf of the international community. When he has no words, he says that the international community will not accept this issue well, the international community will not accept that issue well.

First, it is a matter of modesty. Any limited number of 20-30 countries cannot speak for the international community, and one country cannot speak at all. The international community is on our side, and the international community supported us during the Second Karabakh War, during the anti-terrorist operation. Today, I think Azerbaijan's international reputation is no secret to anyone."

The international community is, to a large extent, subject to the power factor. Therefore, President Ilham Aliyev declares that the goal of our country is to become even stronger. In general, this was the goal of the policy implemented by the Azerbaijani government for years. The current approach has given birth to the reality of restoring our current territorial integrity and sovereignty. As a result, our country is now the dictating party. It is because of this will that Azerbaijan sets the agenda for the South Caucasus.

Currently, Azerbaijan has bigger goals, and the course that is being implemented to achieve those goals has been thought out and thoroughly measured. The main direction of our foreign policy is no longer the solution of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. As the head of our state emphasized, the issue is almost not on the agenda today.

Time seems to be working against Armenia. If earlier the era of the Karabakh conflict was closed for Azerbaijan, today it is the era of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. External interference in the matter is also unacceptable. We explained why. Of course, pro-Armenianism is a specific motive. It is both concrete and artificially exaggerated. It is clear that the goal is not only to defend Armenia, Yerevan is just a tool here.

It is because of all this that the head of our country, as we have already emphasized, avoids mediation efforts. It is for this reason that President Ilham Aliyev sums up the issue, in a way, and defines the task of being ready for the challenges before us, for the ugly policy conducted against us. Most importantly: "We have solved our problem. Today we are in Agdam, Fuzuli, Lachin, Jabrayil, Zangilanda, Gubadli, Kalbajar, Shusha, Hadrut, Khojaly, Agdara, Askaran, Khankendi! This new era begins successfully. I am sure that it will continue successfully. Good luck to all of us! May our way be clear!"

