The thief shouted so...


Opening of Nikol Pashinyan's next polls

"Give me what I want through negotiations, otherwise I will take it with war." Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan described Azerbaijan's position at the government meeting. Of course, it's nonsense that Nicole is voicing. It was well said in this place: "The thief shouted so that the heart of the righteous one burst." But the heart of Azerbaijan, which is always the right side, will not crack anymore. Because he got what he wanted, his position was based on truth and justice.

Armenia should shed the image of an occupying country. Without going into the past, let us say that it was Pashinyan who made the statement "Karabakh is Armenia and the point" that led to the start of the 44-day war. Moreover, it was the Minister of Defense of the government headed by Nicol who put forward the slogan "new wars for new territories".

Yes, before going back to the past, it is important to remember one or two fragments of the past. Because the Prime Minister of Armenia characterizes the acts of vandalism committed by his country in the past as the current behavior of Azerbaijan. This means that official Iravan is not sincere. Not only is it disingenuous, it is also provocative.

Speaking of provocation, it was the Armenian serviceman who fired the first shot during the military clash on February 13. Iravan is currently creating an image that it is not the Armenian army that did this, but a member of some volunteer group. A strange name was thought for that group. As they say, same wave, same coordinate.

At one time, those who occupied Azerbaijani lands were shown as Armenian volunteers of Karabakh. For some reason, all of those "volunteers" later became high-ranking officials in the Armenian leadership. One became the prime minister, another became the defense minister, and another became the president...

But Azerbaijan will not allow history to repeat itself. As President Ilham Aliyev also stated, birds should not and will not be able to cross our border with poultry. "Armenian owls" as well. On February 13, four of those "owls" were sent to hell. If new ones appear, the same fate awaits them. The sooner Pashinyan realizes this, the better. That is, if he puts aside his typical Armenian character rather than accusing Azerbaijan, he will have done more for his country.


Contrary to the opinion of the Prime Minister of Armenia, let us state that Azerbaijan does not, in any case, focus on the policy of military violence against Armenia. This rhetoric is circulated by Yerevan and its patrons abroad. An elementary question arises: How is it that Azerbaijan wants to carry out violence, Armenians are the first to ask for weapons at the conventional border? There is a great contradiction. But when you analyze the situation a bit, you see that the contradiction is at first glance.

In fact, N. Pashinyan has been speaking aggressively against Azerbaijan since the beginning of the year. He is still loyal to his role. As it is known, our country demands four villages currently occupied by Armenia. President Ilham Aliyev also announced his principled position in this regard. However, it appeared from Nicole's thoughts yesterday that Yerevan is far from the idea of ​​fulfilling our rightful request. The worst thing is that the Armenian Prime Minister emphasizes that Azerbaijan has captured 31 villages, supposedly belonging to Armenia, as an excuse and evaluates the issue in the context of the violation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of his country.

Of course, Pashinyan's position is nothing more than refusing the normalization process between the two countries. Therefore, the Armenian government is far from intending to fulfill the tripartite Declaration dated November 10, 2020. However, it should be emphasized that the official Yerevan boycotted the document in question a long time ago. The result is as follows: Pashinyan disrespects his signature, not only does he not want to return the four villages, but also avoids the fulfillment of the obligation to open the road connecting other territories of Azerbaijan with Nakhchivan.

The most paradoxical point is that, at the instigation of various foreign forces, Armenia, which aims to turn the South Caucasus into a bloodbath, accuses Azerbaijan of creating an atmosphere of military escalation. He says that Azerbaijan intends to start a large-scale war with Armenia in order to change the borders. Although it may seem foolish to take such a political course at first glance, it is known that this is the "order" of Armenian patrons abroad.

"Order" is about the reoccupation of Azerbaijani lands. This is the purpose of evading the peace process and arming. Armenia and the foreign forces that put it in the grip of global games are trying to challenge the existing realities in the South Caucasus by focusing on the Armenian adventure and dragging Yerevan into the mire of illusion. Currently, Pashinyan's statements are a manifestation of the power of those illusions.

Finally, let's pay attention to one more idea that Pashinyan voiced at the government meeting. The prime minister, who is bent on accusing Azerbaijan of aggression and an attempt on Armenia's territorial integrity, actually states that President Ilham Aliyev's demand for changes in Armenian legislation is an attempt to violate the sovereignty of his country. It should be noted that Nikol brought up the constitutional reforms himself. He even came up with such a metaphor, referring to the popular tradition in Spain: the Armenian constitution is a red cloth and attracts bulls.

Of course, from the point of view of his current behavior, Pashinyan's metaphor is a confirmation of the inadmissible nature of the constitution. Because the declaration of independence referred to by the main law is questioning the sovereignty and territorial integrity of both Azerbaijan and other neighbors. In such a case, of course, our country should demand the change of the document, and it has full right to do so. Armenia, on the other hand, should be sensitive to the issue. He should think that the basic law of a country or any document it refers to should not include adventurism, separatism and extremism as a territorial claim against other countries. I wonder if the Armenian government is thinking about this?



