Farid Shafiyev: Employing radicals by Armenia will result in more provocations


Employing radicals will result in more provocations, Chairman of the Center of Analysis of International Relations, Farid Shafiyev, said on X, Report informs.

“Checking the age of Armenian servicemen killed yesterday at the border with Azerbaijan after Armenian provocation: Hrachya Talishi Hovhannisyan (1957) Age: 66-67 - Edward Hamleti Harutyunyan (1974) Age: 49-50 - Arsen Gagiki Hambardzumyan (1979) Age: 44-45 - Gagik Varazdati Manukyan (1982) Age: 38-39. Why did the Armenian MOD recruit such senior people? If they were volunteers, and as the Armenian side alluded to - they were from Yerkrapa veteran organizations, then it is the full responsibility of the Armenian MOD for what happened two days ago. Employing radicals will result in more provocations and subsequent reactions from the Azerbaijani side,” he said.
