AIR Center prepares analysis on Armenia’s official documents containing territorial claims against Azerbaijan


The Center of Analysis of International Relations (AIR Center) has prepared a detailed analysis of Armenia’s constitutional documents and official correspondence that contain territorial claims against Azerbaijan, Report informs.


According to the Center, while the liberation of Azerbaijan’s occupied territories in 2020 and 2023 presents globally recognized opportunities for peace and reconciliation between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Armenia’s response to these possibilities has been far from unequivocal, adversely impacting regional peace and security.


The analysis says that Armenia’s constitutional documents, including the government program adopted in 2021 by the current administration, contain territorial claims against Azerbaijan. These claims involve either advocating for the unification of Azerbaijan’s Karabakh region with Armenia or expressing support for efforts to secede this region through various means, such as remedial secession.


“The removal of territorial claims against Azerbaijan from Armenia's constitutional documents could significantly contribute to the peace process between the two countries,” the analysis said.
