Political scientist: EU acting completely irrationally with regard to Azerbaijan


The freeze of the delegation of Azerbaijan’s vote in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) is an indicator that the EU is acting completely irrationally with regard to Azerbaijan, Irish historian and political scientist Patrick Walsh told Report.

“The European Union seems to have completely lost its mind lately. It is acting in an ultra-ideological way and hysterically with no sense of realism. This, I believe, is because of a combination of events, quite unrelated to Karabakh. It is due to the developing fear in Europe that the Ukrainians are losing the war and the Russians are going to be a threat to Europe,” he said.

“It is also due to the massive numbers of civilian deaths and destruction the Israelis are responsible for in Gaza. Because both Washington and Brussels have lent support to Israel this is shredding Europe’s moral reputation in the world.”

There is absolute panic in Europe and it is lashing out at anyone it considers to be outside the Western democratic camp, he noted.

“Only recently the EU was happy to be provided with gas supplies from Baku. Despite Brussel’s fulsome support for Kyiv, it seems to be a crime, in the eyes of the West, for Baku to institute international law and national sovereignty by the use of limited force after years of failure of international diplomacy. But really this is only the latest episode in that long running series called, “Western hypocrisy” which is now on full show to the world in its differing attitudes to different conflicts,” he added.
