Anastasia Lavrina: West not interested in peace between Azerbaijan, Armenia


The West never strives to contribute to resolving issues that are contrary to its own interests, Anastasia Lavriva, a political scientist and journalist, told Western Azerbaijan TV (Qərbi Azərbaycan TV), News.Az reports.

The political scientist stressed that the West does not want and is not interested in peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

“If a peace treaty is signed between Baku and Yerevan, the South Caucasus will become the world’s only stable and developing region where no conflict exists. Therefore, the West stands against peace in the region,” she said.

“Armenia should understand that the future of the region depends largely on how soon Baku and Yerevan conclude a peace treaty. This will also be beneficial for Armenia itself,” Lavriva added.

The political scientist also touched upon the issue related to the return of Azerbaijanis forcibly expelled from the territory of present-day Armenia to their native lands.

“I think that after the signing of a peace treaty between Baku and Yerevan, the Azerbaijanis forcibly expelled from Armenia should exercise their rights to return to their ancestral lands. At the same time, after peace is ensured, the Armenian residents of Karabakh, who voluntarily left there or were moved by former separatists, will return to Azerbaijan,” she said.
